➳ three

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"Good morning, [Y/N]." Rogue greeting the moment you had settled down into the booth's seat, his blond-haired companion sitting next to him and chugging down his second cup of coffee. You sent the both of them a quick nod, picking up the menu from the wooden table and glancing over it to find a suitable breakfast.

"I guess we'll get right to the point since we leave tomorrow," Rogue cleared his throat and let his red-eyes stare down his empty glass of water. He's been chugging down the clear liquid for the past fifteen minutes he's been awaiting your arrival, and Sting has been annoyingly teasing him about how 'fidgety' Rogue is, "It'll just be a weeks worth of relationship. . . stuff? We really just need to act like a convincing couple."

You looked at the black haired male with a cocked eyebrow, "I understand that part, Rogue, but what if he asked us questions about our relationship. Like, oh, how'd you guys get together, or maybe even when was your first kiss?"

Sting had cackled at the parts where you had intentionally made your voice deeper to impersonate Skiadrum. Perhaps it was the two cups — the third one on its way, as well as your order — of coffee he had guzzled down in past thirty minutes, "Plus, he'll probably ask [Y/N] about Yukino as well."

Rogue looked at Sting and [Y/N], his gaze constantly switching between the two. They both had started conversing about the 'how'd you meet up and all' story, and all he could pick up between the rambles and grumbles between you and Sting was you mentioning hoodies and Sting dramatically going 'Oh, he's so handsome.'

"Maybe we just just do something simple, like say [Y/N] and I are in the same lecture and I had helped her studied and we just clicked."

Sting frowned at Rogue's suggestion, straightening up from his slouched form and looking at the waiter that placed down his coffee and your food onto the table. "That'll take out all the fun though." The blond had pouted, causing you to chuckle at the way he had looked so down. Rogue could only roll his eyes at his childish friend, but his eyes managed to land back onto you.

"It would make it much more easier to just say that, right [Y/N]?" Facing Rogue, you gave him an unsure smile and lazily shrugged your shoulders. He gave you a strange look, almost questioning why you suddenly changed your mood from chitty-chatty to sullen in just a matter of his words. If this was going to happen more often, he'd better start thinking of a way to let his dad down easily—

"Sting's right. It wouldn't hurt to make a more creative love story, y'know."

The male couldn't help but sigh and watch you silently munch on your breakfast, stopping after your first bite to take a drink of your water. He didn't see why you would want a much more 'creative' love story, you were probably going to tell the story once, why would it need to be all dramatic and creative and all that. Rogue was sure you'd be fine with just the simple story, after all it seemed to be the more realistic.

"Ugh," Rogue groaned and looked at the two people sitting in the same booth, "What's this 'story' you two have came up with?"

"Oh, oh, okay, so! Let's say that you and [Y/N] just so happen to have the same hoodies, and so you two just so happen to be in the library together— but not together together, but like, you both happen to be in the same place, just not with each other— back to the story though. You both place your hoodies onto the table, and they are combined tables and you two are sitting at the ends, yeah, so, when let's say [Y/N] leaves first and heads back to her place and such and then when she throws on her hoodie, she goes 'oh this hoodie is too big!' Then she goes back to the library and you're not there, so she goes the next day and boom, there you are with her hoodie because wow you had the same idea in mind, and then when you look at her you go 'wow, she's so pretty' and [Y/N] goes 'wow, he's so handsome' and bam. You guys are boyfriend and girlfriend."

Rogue looks at his blond best friend and his [h/c] soon-to-be-fake-girlfriend with a astonished look. How in the world did you two manage to plan that whole story with mumbles and incoherent words? Rogue will never know.

You, on the other hand, had a large smile planted on your face. It was a great start to a pretend love story, and it did indeed help that you and Rogue had identical hoodies, although on the upper-left chest of yours, it had the [sports/team] logo. So really, this story is as realistic as Rogue's suggested one.

"I suppose," The black-haired student sighed as he lumped against the seat's back, a sigh escaping his lips, "It's not the most realistic but father would most likely buy it." Sting ecstatically nodded his head in agreement while he sneaked his fork onto your plate to steal a bite— which had been unsuccessful as you had gently stabbed his hand with your own fork and sent him an irked look.

"How should we explain the first kiss though," Rogue and Sting looked towards you after you had asked with your mouth full of [f/f], "What? My parents would question about the first kiss, so why wouldn't Rogue's dad ask?"

The said boy had looked outside the window, a soft blush landing on his cheeks, "He'll probably ask something more. . . vulgar." He reached out for his water, thankful that it was full, and took a drink. He was getting nervous now, but why now?

"Then, perhaps we should think of a scenario about the first time we did it." Rogue had choked on the water he was drinking, Sting instantly moving to pat his best friend's back while he was cackling like crazy, but you just looked at the two with confused faces.

it's been a couple... months? i think my writing has downgraded but :( we don't have time to worry about that lol.

anyways i'm back with another chapter of 'Don't Tell Dad' whoop whoop. it's a bit after midnight and i'm super super tired but i had to get this finished!!! after sabertooth's appearance in the final season i was like 'shiit,,, i gotta finish yooo' shdjhd

anyways, much love, iwasaurssss

Don't Tell Dad [Rogue Cheney x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now