2:24 AM

9 0 1

Well, now is an acceptable time to write on this according to the title. So I'm about to fail some projects if I don't get them done in the next couple hours, but my dumbass is tired and hasn't put my contacts in and decided to waste (not really, actually really, but it was worth it(no it wasn't)) the weekend away instead of working on the projects I was supposed to and my mom is up and ready to attack me if I turn my lights on at the moment and life sucks, well I suck really (and you swallow (stop get help)) and I can't get shit done, obviously be pcause instead of doing my work, here I am writing on wattpad..... oh well. I hope you guys don't have as much a shitty life as I do (and yes I realize that like nobody actually cares enough read this and I'm basically ranting to myself)

This is sad
(tHiS iS sO sAd AlExA pLaY dEsPaCiTo(plz don't, this is so sad, alexa play lo siento))

I guess

Random Thoughts At MidinghtNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ