Chapter Thirteen - Texting

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The next day, Eileen didn't see him. Someone from his pack showed up and announced Gray was busy and this new guy was supposed to spar with her for the day. They were both cautious of each other, and that made for a rather awkward training session.

When the sun finally sank low enough and Eileen could politely dismiss herself, she did. Ducking inside the house, she rifled through the fridge, looking for a quick snack before she decided what she wanted to do. Brood in her room? Sneak over to see her brothers? The second option sounded more appealing since she hadn't heard from them.

Gray came storming from his office, head down and looking like a man on a mission. Eileen quickly stepped out of his path but he stopped when he saw her. "Oh, there you are. I was looking for you."

"Where were you?" she asked in confusion. Last time he'd had Alpha stuff to deal with in his office he'd just told her so and practices had been canceled. Was he pretending to be sick or something just to take a day off?

"I was here," he said, waving the room away. "I want to test the theory on my allergic reaction again. Are you willing?"

Willing to wander back into the shed and watch as he struggled to keep himself from shifting and ripping her to shreds? It wasn't high on her to-do list. Crossing her arms, she said, "We already know my presence doesn't really affect you. You were going to change no matter how much I talked."

He looked around, checking they were alone. "But when you kissed me it stopped the change."

"Probably because it was a one-time shock thing," Eileen said with a sigh, not buying it. "And it's not like I can kiss you all the time."

What an awkward thing to say.

"Are you in or out?" Gray said, heading for the back door. Eileen looked around, debating with herself. She'd had a wonderful evening almost planned—she might even be able to try and reason with her father about the situation—and she should just throw it all away for him?

"Ugh, in," Eileen growled, following him. "I hate you," she muttered under her breath.

And then they were back inside the shed, except this time he closed the doors. "Is this what you do for fun?" Eileen asked. "Just come in here and inject yourself with things?"

"I only inject with silver," he said coolly. "And no."

Tracing patterns in the table, Eileen asked, "Does the rest of your pack know about this?"

He set down whatever he was holding and leveled his gaze with hers. "Very few people know about my allergy. Mostly only within my looser family, since they had to assist in training me and there was no way to hide it. I'd appreciate it if you didn't just offer the information up to people."

Who did he think she was? She wasn't going to tell anyone.

Unless he pissed her off.

"Are you ready?" he asked, holding out his arm.

"Whoa," Eileen said, stepping back. "Shouldn't you give me a better idea of the plan? Am I supposed to do something? Are you using a different formula? You think things are going to change but you're not telling me how."

The needle rested against his tan skin. "You'll try to stop the shifting process much like before. We'll see how it plays out from there."

Why did Eileen feel like she was in the dark for this one? Suddenly it felt like Gray had trapped her in here to kill her, and she eyed the closed doors warily. Had he taken the day off from training to go plot her death?

The needle disappeared underneath his skin quickly, and Eileen looked away again. Gray set it beside him on the table before turning and resting against the same surface.

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