Chapter 21

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I lay on Stiles's bed as I wait for him to come home. I am still bundled up in the fleece blanket and I lay in the middle of the bed, where I know he likes to sleep because there is a deeper dip in the bed than anywhere else.

I hear the door downstairs open and a sigh of relief leaves my lips. The stairs creak under Stiles's feet and I wait until Stiles approaches the door. He flicks on the light of his bedroom with a sigh and he freezes in his spot.

"Tyler?" He states.

"Are you okay? What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Your dad let me in," I say.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks as he sits on the edge of the bed near me.

"No," I say.

"What happened?" He asks.


"I know, and I'm sorry. I knew how much you loved h-"

"Is alive." I finish.

"What? Ty, you saw his body. He's not alive." He says with sorrow.

"Actually," I start as I shift my weight on my side and prop myself up on my elbow.

"I didn't see his body. Isaac and Boyd saw his body, Scott pulled me away before I could do anything. He's alive, Stiles." I add.

"Tyler, how could he have survived that fall? Issac told me, he said that both Derek and Ennis fell on a broken escalator. From the height where they fell and how fast they were falling, they definitely broke their backs." He says.

"Yet he still managed to walk to his loft." I say.

"Tyler.." he says softly as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Stiles, I am not hallucinating. I swear to God I'm not. I saw him there with Miss Blake. Please Stiles, you have to believe me." I say, taking his hands into mine.

He deeply sighs before saying:

"Alright listen, it's getting late. If what you're saying is true then he should be at his loft tomorrow right?"

"Yes," I say.

"Okay. Then we wait until tomorrow. Because it's one thirty and we have to wake up at six for school. I am barely keeping myself awake right now." He says.

"Fine," I say in defeat.

I slide beneath the comforters and put the fleece blanket on top of it. I lay on my hands as my eyes began to weigh with sleep. Stiles changes into his pygamas before he turns off the light. He slides under the covers and I feel him scoot closer to me, but he doesn't touch me. I can practically feel his gaze burrow holes in the back of my neck.

"Oh for God's sake, Stiles." I say.

I slide myself so my back comes into contact with his chest. I grab his hand from behind me and wrap it around my small frame. He rests his head against my neck and entangles his legs with mine. A yawn leaves my lips and my eyes slowly started to close.

There was a comfortable moment of silence that only consisted of our soft breathes. Just when I was about to fall into a deep sleep, Stiles says:

"Um Tyler?"

"Yes," I say slightly annoyed.

"My arm is asleep," He says.

I let go of his hand and he tries to shake his arm awake.

"I'm sorry, but could you spoon me instead?" He says.

"What?" I say with disbelief.

"Please?" He says.

I huff before turning around and I wrap my arm around his torso. He links his hand with mine and wiggles around before he finds a comfortable spot. There was another moment of silence before Stiles saying:

"I'm so sorry,"

"Stiles, I am actually going to kill you." I threaten.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm not used to someone else sleeping in my bed. And I'm the type of person who-"

"Sleeps in the middle, I know." I finish.

"Fine, then how do you normally sleep?" I ask.

"On my back," He says.

"Okay then how about you sleep on your back and I lay on top of you. Does that sound fair?" I ask.

"Sure... we can try it." He says.

I move so he can go on his back. Then I slide as I rest my head on his chest. He rests one hand underneath my hair and rests the other on my lower back. His heartbeat is a lot faster than I anticipated but then it started to slow down. We both sigh in unison and there was a longer moment of silence.

"I can't sleep with weight on my chest. It makes me claustrophobic." He says in a strained voice.

I growl under my breath as I sit up on his waist I flash my teal blue eyes at him as I say:

"If you keep this up, I will sleep downstairs on the couch."

"Just.." He trails off as he lifts me into his arms.

"Stiles, what are you?..." I trail off as he moves me so I am on the bottom and he is on top.

He parts my legs and lays in between them. He slides down body and rests his head just below my breasts. He links his arms beneath my torso and closed his eyes. I stare at him, waiting for him to say something so I can sleep downstairs on the couch. But instead he says:

"Is this comfortable for you?"

"Yes," I answer.

"Good, because it's comfortable for me too." He says.

"Are you sure that you're comfortable? Because I don't think that I can take too much more shifting around." I say.

He lifts his head as he looks up with me and says:

"I promise you, I'm comfortable."

He caress the exposed flesh of my stomach and I say:


I rest my head on the pillow and he rests his head on my stomach. I run my fingers through his hair and he hums in pleasure. We both yawn in unison and our bodies weigh with sleep.

Origination (A Teen Wolf Story) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now