At The Feeding Zoo

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Bruno and I were going to a feeding zoo in Africa. We both hadn't been since we were little children, and we definitely hadn't visited the continent. This was sure going to be an adventure because it was the kind of feeding zoo where you feed the animals from your car! Before we fed the animals, of course Bruno wanted to feed himself, so we had to stop at the nearest drive thru place. I was sitting in the passenger seat, and my eyes were widening at the never ending line of cars that was in front of us. "Why is this line so freaking long," I huffed, leaning my head against the window. Bruno just chuckled as he looked at the menu. "Calm down, girl. The zoo is open all day," he said, waving off my frustration. Rolling my eyes, I shoved the brochure in his face, blo. "It closes at one thirty, which is in another hour!" He looked from the brochure, to the time displayed on the radio. "Well, what would you like to do Sabi," he sighed, rubbing my arm, and all I could do was shrug. He grabbed the gearshift and put the car in reverse. "What are you doing," I asked, frowning at him. "I'm going to the zoo, because you really want to go, and I would hate for it to close before we got there." Bruno would go out of his way and actually skip a meal, just to make me happy? I placed my hands over his, and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. He smiled, but before he could say anything, a series of honking horns interrupted him. We looked in front of us, and it was finally our turn to order. He rolled the window down, and waited for the person to greet us. "Hey, can I take your order," the voice asked. "Do you want anything," Bruno whispered, but I shook my head. "I'm not really hungry, and you shouldn't be either," I whispered back, reminding him of the authentic lunch we had prior. "May I take your order, or are you going to waste my time," the voice sighed in the microphone. "Lemme get a plate of Ugali, and some fried spicy lamb," Bruno yelled. I lightly tapped his thigh. "Babe, I'm not sure if your stomach can handle another round of food right now," I tried warning. "That will be five dollars and eighty nine cents at the next window please," the voice said, as we pulled up to the next window.

Bruno's POV
I know Sabi hates it when I don't listen to her, but I'm not really full from the last meal, which consisted of bunny chow, chicken curry, and malva pudding. And she said I tend to overindulge on food. I paid the man in the window, and he handed me my order. "Have a good day," I said, pulling out of the line, and opening the container with my lamb.

At The Zoo....

"Alright people. The feeding trail is like an hour long. Here are your feeding buckets, and don't get out of your car while on the trail. Follow the cars in front of you, until you reach the end." After the coordinator handed us our buckets full of animal food, we were off.

Sabi's POV

I just couldn't stay still in my seat, I was so excited. Bruno just smiled at me the whole time. "Looks like someone is hungry," he cheesed, holding his bucket out for a baby deer approaching the car. It was so pretty and delicate. "Aww, she's so beautiful Bruno," I cooed, watching him feed her. We cruised along and came across a gazelle. "Oooh, my turn my turn," I exclaimed, playfully shaking his arm, which caused him to let out two farts. "Whoops," he laughed, as if I found it funny. "Bruno. You need to hold back the rest, until we get back to the hotel," I warned, sticking the bucket out of the window for the gazelle. My hands were shaking a little every time he bobbed for the kibble. Out of nowhere, a giraffe started galloping towards it, and knocked it out of conscious. I gasped and clutched my heart at the sight, while Bruno farted again. When I turned my attention to him, something was tugging at the bucket. Bruno just started laughing and pointing. I turned around to be face to neck with a giraffe. "Aww, you're so cute," I said, right before it sneezed in my face. Trying not to freak out, I tried to put the bucket back in the car, but the giraffe wanted it for himself. "Baby, just let him have it," Bruno groaned, about to drive off. "No Bruno wai-" Before I could finish, he drove off, and the bucket tore in half, spilling some food in my lap. "Wow. Just wow," I said, wiping the snot and food from that horrid animal. Bruno started squirming in his seat, and scrunching his face up.

Bruno's POV

This is an example of the times when I should really listen to my girlfriend. Those lambs were delicious, and were threatening to come out of the other end. My stomach was churning really bad. While keeping my eyes on the trail and one hand on the steering wheel, I started rocking my butt back and forth against the seat. Sabi was looking at me like I had lost my mind. "Bruno, when will you learn," she asked, sucking her teeth. I waved her off, and started breaking wind like crazy. "I'm sorry, but I have to go like NOW," I whined, trying not to soil myself. "But you can't go now! We're almost at the end of the trail!" I shook my head. There was no way that I could make it to the end. I grabbed my feeding pail, and raised myself up. I knew this was crossing the line, but I didn't care right now. Sabi slapped my arm, probably scolding me. "You can't do that in there. That's food for the animals!" "Well where else am I supposed to go," I sighed, giving the middle finger to the cars that honked behind us. "Why don't you use one of the containers of food you shouldn't have bought," she suggested, and I just glared at her. "No!" "Well, there's no way in hell that you are gonna take a shit in the animals' food," she argued, snatching my bucket, and feeding some more animals. While she wasn't looking, I pulled my pants and briefs down and grabbed her purse. I opened it and sat it right underneath me, and let out everything I had been forced to hold back for the past hour. "I'll wipe later," I said, throwing her purse back down, and pulling out of the trail. Once she was finished petting an elephant, she turned back around and sniffed. "Bruno. You better not have pooped in the car," she hissed, and I smiled. "I found somewhere better to go," I sighed happily and satisfied. We finally got to the end of the trail and returned the one good bucket that was left. "Did you have a good time," I asked her. She nodded. "I need to capture this. Let me get my phone," she sang, picking up her purse. Now that I think about it, it was very shitty of me to poop in Sabi's purse. She just stared, and took a deep breath. I was afraid to say anything. I pulled the car over, so we could talk. Before I could apologize, she dumped her bag over my head, and I felt my feces sliding all down my face. "I can't do this anymore! I can't be with a grown ass man, who has the bladder of a ten month old," she hissed, unbuckling her seatbelt. "No, wait please. I'm sorry," I pleaded, hoping she would forgive me. She shook her head. "That apology was shittier than the stuff on your face!" With that, she opened the door, and walked away.

(A/N) Heyy guys...this was a birthday gift for SilverStar421 ....Happy birthday girl 💕 and I can take some requests!!

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