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The New Directions were facing off once again against the Warblers when Santana noticed a peculiar absence.

"Where's the Meerkat?" She jeered, not expecting the concerned looks exchanged by the rival group.

She wasn't the only one who noticed and Blaine stepped forward.

"Is he alright?"

"He's fine." Nick said hesitantly. "Physically anyways. It's-"

"Hey, it's none of their business." Thad hissed. "If he wants them to find out, they'll find out."

"But Blaine is still our brother." Jeff said.

"Then Seb can tell him when he gets back."

"Back from where?" Kurt asked, now very intrigued.

"Forget it, you'll either find out or you won't."

A couple thousand miles away, Sebastien Smythe walked into a hospital room and choked back tears at the sight of his twin lying in the bed, pale skin blending with the white sheets except for the black and blue bruises.

"Hey Barry." He managed, rushing to the injured boy's side.

"Hi Sebby." He croaked in response. "I thought you weren't coming till Christmas break." Barry joked, trying to avoid The conversation he knew was coming.

"Barr, why didn't you say it was getting this bad."

He laughed self-depricatingly which turned into a cough as he clutched his fractured ribs.

"Woah, take it easy Barry."

Once Barry caught his breath, he turned to his brother.

"I didn't want to worry you."

Sebastian frowned.

"I'm you're older brother, it's my job to look after you."

"We're twins dude. Besides, you're all the way in Ohio, you can't do anything."

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I could do something, if you transfer to Dalton."

Barry stared at his brother incredulously.



As soon as he arrived back at school, Sebastian went to talk to the principal.

"We don't usually get transfers partway through the year."

"I understand that sir but please consider it."

"Why do you want this Barry Allen to come here so badly?" The man asked, intrigued. Up to this point he'd only seen polite indifference on Smythe's face but here he was, desperation clear in his expression.

"Barry was hospitalized last week. He was cornered by a bunch of his classmates after school, they only left when his foster dad was called by his foster sister."

"Alright, I'm sure we can make an exception. How do you know him anyway Mr. Smythe?"

"He's my brother."


The Warblers heard that Sebastian's brother would be joining them and waited in the library while the boy got settled, their leader had promised to bring him by.

They all looked over as the door opened and Sebastian stepped in.

"Warblers, I'd like to introduce my little brother Barry."

Then another Sebastian stepped in.

"I'm only about five minutes younger than you Seb."

"Exactly, so you're my little brother."

The other teens in the room stared at the twins.

"Seb, you said you had a brother, you didn't say he was a twin!"

They were truly identical. Same haircut (though Barry used less gel), same Dalton uniform, same stance, and twin smirks. The only difference was the slowly fading bruises on Barry's sharp cheekbone, jaw, and temple.

"Nice to meet my brother's friends and all but I'm not really sure what I'm doing here Sebby."

"Simple. Your gonna be our wildcard." Sebastian said with a smirk, wrapping his arm around his brother's shoulders, careful of the bandages he knew were still wrapping Barry's ribs.

"Oh great."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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