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I kill some time and watch some shitty show about zombies on Netflix in the living room as I munch on some dry cereal. I don't want to eat too much because I'm already going to be eating at the date and I don't want to bloat and look like a whale.

As I watch a man have his head bit off i hear my mum talk to me about how I should bond with her and bake stuff with her blahblah. My ears get bored though and I start to feel a bit nervous. I've never been on a date before- how am I supposed to act?

I decide to text Grayson, and he responds straight away

me- heyy:)) 

Grayson- Heyyy  .... Just got up. Ethan kicked my ass so that was a nice start to the day wby?

Me- Nice-  just eating dry cereal and waiting for my uber to come! Aha im so excited.

Grayson- hahaha ha!! Same here can't wait to see you im starving

Me- uh, you do know the dates at 12.30?

Grayson - trust me I'll take seconds

Me - wish i could say that

Grayson- Ima shower now so see u there xx 

Me - c u assclown 

Well... that was an awkward as shit text convo. I'm so bad a texting bruh. I go through my social medias once and again and oh, time goes by when you're having fun. WHO AM I kidding- im so nervous. Just as I consider calling grayson and saying I feel sick so I can chicken out my uber arrives and I say bye to my mom who tells me to behave,  like I'm 12 not 18. Oh boy here we go.

I quickly grab my bag and phone and leave the flat. It's a hot day and I'm glad I'm not wearing tonnes of makeup because the last time I went out with make up on I looked like pancake batter was smeared on my face. 

As i get into the uber I apply some gloss I found in my bag. The drives not too far but the morning heat starts to hit me. I feel the leather seat burn my and thighs and i suffer the consequences of wearing a short dress. The uber pulls up outside the  fanciest restaurant in the whole of L.A, 'The Fancy' . yip, that's what it's called. 

I gather my stuff and tip the driver. Awkwardly, I skoot over to the entrance of the restaurant- *deep breath*

A weird ass dateWhere stories live. Discover now