dustin henderson

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Dustin and I walked the halls of school, hand in hand while others stared and whispered. I didn't care though, they could talk all the want.

"Hey! Dustin!" Both Dustin and I turned to see Lucas running down the hall, his bag in his hand.

"Hey, y/n." He murmured when he caught up.

When Dustin and I first started dating, I never really got along with his friends, only Will. But now, a year later, and I'm good friends with all of them - except Lucas. Lucas and I had kind of a love-hate relationship. He had trust issues, I could tell.

I nodded, "Lucas."

Lucas turned to Dustin and began giving him weird looks. I furrowed my eyebrows, having no clue what was going on inside their minds.

Suddenly, Dustin's eyes widened, before letting go of my hand and turning to me, "Uh, y/n. I love you heaps, but right now, I really have to go."

My mouth hung open, and the school bell rung, signaling that school was over.

I closed my mouth, "Sure." I whispered, and I saw Lucas' face light up in excitement out of the corner of my eye.

The two boys ran off, and I was left standing in the hallway alone like an idiot.

This always happen's.

I turned to go the opposite direction, but bumped into Will.

My smile instantly returned, "Hey, Will."

Will smiled too, "How's it going?"

I glanced back at Dustin and Lucas, laughing and getting along at the end of the hallway before they walked out, and I pursued my lips,
"I'm okay."

Will rolled his eyes, something he never does, "No you're not."

My eyes widened, "What do you mean? I'm fine?"

"I just saw that whole... thing." He flicked his hands over to the end of the hallway - where Dustin had been a whole 2 minutes ago.

"I'm fine, Will." I muttered, scratching the back of my neck.

"Go talk to him." Will said firmly, "I know, I'm probably not the one you'd wanna be getting advice from, but I know this one. Tell him how you feel."

I smiled softly, "I will. Thanks."


After school, I raced on my bike towards Dustin's house, contemplating what I was going to say.

I knocked on the door, resting my bike up against the brick wall, waiting patiently for him to open up.

Thankfully, Dustin soon opened the door, and not his mother.

"Hey, Dustin." I said, smiling.

Dustin smiled back, "Uh, Hey. Come in."

I stepped inside, and as usual, he led me to his room, where we always hung out. We passed the living room, and his mom briefly waved, to which I waved back.

"Door open, Dusty!" She yelled, and I giggled.

Dustin's girl on my hand tightened and I rolled my eyes. We reached his room and I sat on his bed, before he closed the door, disobeying his mothers orders.

"What's up?" Dustin asked.

I scratched the back of my neck, "Shit, Dust, ah. We need to talk."

He nodded,  sitting down next to me.

"You've been ignoring me- no, not ignoring. You've been avoiding me lately." I said, and before he could protest, I spoke again, "Every chance you get, you run off with Lucas or Max or Mike. Did I do something to upset you? Because if I did you can te-"

"You're right. I've been avoiding you." He cut me off simply, "There's rumors going around the school. I don't know who started them, but they say that... uh... they say that you're cheating on me with Troy."

My eyes widened, "Excuse me?! Dustin, and you believed them?"

He nodded, his head down low. I used my hands to cup his cheeks and bring his face up to meet mine, "That is not true. I can't believe you would even think tha-"

Dustin cut me off again, but not with words, with a small, short, and definitely sweet kiss.

He pulled away, "I didn't believe it. I just started wondering. There's so many other guys here who you could move to. I just really like you."

I smiled, "I like you too.... Dusty."

He groaned, "y/n!"

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