Chapter - 1

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It had happened again.

Again had they had gotten into an argument, again it was about the same topic, again did Sans come to see another one if Red's episodes. Only this time, he had broken their promise, the promise of putting an end to the self-harm, the promise of talking before blades.

And Sans wasn't having it.

"I can't believe you Red!," spat Sans, eyelights glaring into the other. "You made a fucking promise! You promised you wouldn't do this again, that you would come to me or someone before you did!"

"Well Ah'm sorry Ah didn't want tah bother ya..," replied Red, eyes glued on to the floor, unable to meet Sans'. "Didn't want tah burden ya with my pathetic issues."

If it were anytime before, where Sans had the better conscious of watching his mouth during times like this, the comment wouldn't have ticked him off. His fists clenched as his glare sharpened. "Will you stop it with that fucking bullshit!," he snapped. "How many more times are you going to repeat the same fucking song! That you don't wanna 'burden me' or be a 'weight upon me' god don't you have a better exuse?!"

Red didn't say anything, he knew Sans was right, knew what he said was a pathetic justification. But was there another truth? He didn't want Sans to get all worried and stressed because of him, because he couldn't handle this shit by himself. 'heh yeah you totally succeeded in that,' his mind spat.

"Queit, 'cause you know I'm right!," Sans continued. "Everyday I try. I try to make ya happy I try to help you heal I try to be there. But apperanlty, it doesn't work and you still inflict harm against yourself! Apperanlty I'm not enough because maybe if I was you wouldn't be in this damn state!"

Red managed to gather some courage, something to say back, to not make him feel anymore lower than he already was. "I'm sorry okay! But everytime Ah do somethin' like this you've been off gettin' drunk, drinkin' away yer stress! Ah've seen ya S-,Sans and Ah hated to. Yer more than enough, more than what Ah f-f-fuckin' deserve. And ah didn't wanna see ya off drunk because of me again, Ah didn't want ya tah get stressed cause Ah'm so d-damn pathetic and weak tah handle m-mah own pr-problems." The pain in his chest worsen with every passing second, Red holding back the tears that threatened to pour down. He couldn't cry in front of Sans, wouldn't make the other feel even more worse when every word he spat was true. He deserved this, deserved to be hated, to have venomous words spat at him.

"Well I'm so sorry," quiped Sans mockingly, rolling his eyes. "I'm sorry my fucking boyfriend can't get over his stupid damn depression and no matter what I fucking do, it isn't enough! I'm sorry I am at least a bit viligant on the results of self harm and I use alcohol to cope because I have to live in constant fear of offending you! Well maybe I shouldn't have gone through all that when you repay me with this! Maybe I should have just spoken what I had thought since it turns out I'm not enough to make you happy, since ya think that I don't fucking care about you!"

Red winced, the vocal arrows hurting more than any insult he inflicted on himself, sharper than the blade he had used to add more cuts to his gallery of scars. He just wanted it to be over already, just wanted to stop causing Sans all this pain, just wanted to sleep and wake up dead. Sans would be happier like that right? He wouldn't have to deal with his bullshit, wouldn't have to be filling up on alcohol due to stress. He chuckled, though it came with choked sobs as he scratched at his wrists behind his back. Damn was he so pathetic.

Sans scoffed at the silence, even more at the choked sobs. "You know what, fuck it. I'm not dealing with your shit anymore you selfish asshole." He turned and slammed the door shut, it being the final hit to cause Red to crumble.


Red laid on the floor, curled up as he hugged his own shaking form and choked on his sobs. It happened, it finally did. The moment he had feared since they got together, that thought that gave him nightmares, the prediction he knew and always tried his best to avoid, despite him knowing it was inevitable.

It came to be.

A puddle of red translucent tears formed next to the weeping skeleton, hands moving from his shoulders down to his radius and ulna. He scratched at them, actually glad how his phalanges were sharp claws as they brought that stinging sensation.

Despite him knowing it wouldn't last, it still hurt. It hurt because now he wouldn't be able to even speak to him the same way, never again hold Sans close and have the skeleton lay his head against his chest. Never would their pun wars have that same spark they always did, heck, maybe they would never laugh or share anything again.

Not a maybe, they wouldn't ever.

"Why am ah crying," Red cried to himself. "Why am Ah sobbin' when ah never d,d-deserved him... When all ah d-d-deserved was his h-h-hatred..."

What even was the point anymore? Sans wasn't coming back and if he was, it probably was just to move out or kick him out. Maybe it was better he left and didn't burden Sans with having to find someplace to live. Maybe he should just fucking end it so Sans didn't have to be bothered at all.

The thought hadn't occurred to him in a while, his promise to Sans and for the sake of keeping his worries down prevented him from attempting it again. But now, what did it mattered? Not like Sans cared anymore, not like he would come looking for him, stopping him by giving Red that tearful expression of fear. That Sans would rush and hug him tightly, shocking even Red with how physically strong Sans could be as the skeleton tries his best to hold himself together and comfort him.

He chuckled, it coming hoarse and worn. Maybe this was for the best, Red cleansing his pathetic self from this world and Sans leaving him to find someone else to make him happier.

Despite the still streaming tears, a smile came on Red's features. Sans wouldn't care anymore, he would be happy that the person who caused him all of this was dead. Relieved he bet too.

"S-s-sorry ah f-f-failed ya Sans..," he softly whimpered.

To Be Continued~

Hi! That was short right? I said to myself that a thousand words would be the limit for each chapter, so . . . Thank you very much for reading. I'll try to update regularly, but not always.
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