Bio + Harem

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Name: Jay Gray (Formerly)/Jay Jeager (New)

Age: Will Stop aging physically at age 15 (Immortal)

Race: Unknown

Species: Unknown

Height: 5'1

Weight: 175 (Mostly Muscle)

Body Type: For his Height he has a very built figure.

Code Name: Demon, The Child of Terror, Destroyer, The Crimson Knight, King and Helios.

Personally: When not in a fight: Loving, caring, energetic, (has a aura that makes ladies fall for him) funny, happy.
When In a fight: Emotionless, Focused, Accurate, precise, Deadly.

Abilities: Super strength and speed, Lots of stamina, sixth sense, immortal, extreme regeneration, Hight Durability, High Intelligence, Reflex's, High pain tolerance, Extremely Agile, Learns Quickly, is able to control elements, and doesn't need to sleep or eat, Titans seem to completely Ignore jay.

A/N: If it isn't obvious enough Jay is not entirely Human.


His past: Jay...A child that from a very young age knew that he was different form many other people. Both mentally and physically. He parents only caught on when there son had an accident that resulted in him losing his right arm. Once they saw his arm completely and instantly regenerate in front of them. The only thing they could do now.....was fear there own flesh and blood.
*Hard Thud*
M/N: Your no son of mine!.....Your nothing b-but a Demon! GO! GET OUT HERE!
Jay: M-Mom?
Jay had just taken a punch directly to the face from his so called "Father". He backed up to his wife and pulled out a knife.
F/N: Didn't you hear her?! We don't want you here! Leave b-before I KILL YOU DEMON!
Right then and there something had finally snapped with Jay. His pupils turned crimson red and all emotion left his face. He got up off of the ground and slowly made his way over to his parents.
F/N: Did I not make my self clear enough?! You little Shit! GAHHH!
His Father charged at him with the knife in his hand and jabbed it directly into his sons heart.
Jay then collapsed on to ground while his Father was about to turn around and just leave his body there. But of course Jay only stood up scaring his parents even more. He stared them dead in the eyes as he clutched the handle of the knife and ripped it out of his chest. All that could be heard now was a sizzling sound as the wound on Jays chest just closed up as if nothing had pierced it a second ago.
All he did was drop the knife onto the ground and turn around as he started to walk away form his parents home.
M/N: Wait.......JAY! Come back!
All he did was ignore his mothers pleads to come back as he just keep walking. He didn't stop until he was hundreds of miles away form the house. Although along the way he found it strange that as he was walking all Titans in the area.....seemed to completely ignore him as if he wasn't even there. After walking a few more miles he eventually spotted another house...but the closer he got, he saw that there were two people standing outside of the home.
Grisha: Ding Dong, Ding Dong........
Eren: You know they have a knocker...Right Dad?
*Twig Snapping*
Grisha: *Girly Scream* It's a troll! Please....just take my daughter and leave!
Eren: Really Dad?....It's not a troll. It's a kid......and he seems to be my age.
Grisha looked back up to see Jay standing there with a blank expression on his face.
Grisha: Dear child.....what are you doing out so far in the woods at a time like this? Your parents.....must be devastated with your disappearance.
All Jay did was look up at Grisha and then back down.
Jay: My parents worried?........That's a funny joke.
Eren: Huh?
Jay: My parents didn't want a "Monster" like me I left.
Eren looked down at the ground saddened by this news.
Eren: I-I'm sorry. Wait! Dad.....can we adopt him? You know as my younger brother?
Grisha: I don't see why not. I doubt your mother will have a problem with it. What do you say kid? Would you like to be a part of our family.
Jay was surprised by this display of sympathy and compassion.
Jay: Y-Yes please.
Eren ran up to Jay and put him in a bear hug.
Grisha: *Chuckles*Well....welcome to the family Kid! Say.....What's your name?
Jay: Jay. Jay Gray.
Grisha: Well..From this day forward you new name is Jay Jaeger
Jay: Alright...........Also you know that door is open right?
Grisha: It is?!
Jay: Yeah, I'll show you.
He walked over to door and opened but soon stopped right by the hallway of the kitchen.
Eren: Jay? What's wr-........Dad!....You might want to see this!
Grisha: What? What's wrong you t-...Oh my God!
When he walked in further he could see the dead bodies of Mikasas parents just laying there with fresh stab wounds all over their body's.
Grisha: Why?....Who could have done this?...Jay..hold me.
But Jay just stood there while both he pupils just turned back to a crimson red hue. While a voice started to echoed in his head over and over again.
???: Find them Jay!......You must kill them all!
Eren: Jay?...
Eren: Jay?!
Jay: I know where they are.
Grisha: Where? Who are you talking about?
Jay: The bastards that did this.
Jay all of a sudden just started to walk out of the house with Eren following close behind him to make sure he didn't do anything to "dangerous".
Eren: Dad! Go get help...with the look on his face there might be a few dead bodies to clean up after this. I'll follow him...something's definitely wrong with him.
Grisha: Alright...Just don't do anything to dangerous!
So she ran out of the house and spotted him following a trail that lead to a secluded log cabin that  her and her father had passed not to long ago. So once she knew where they were going she ran over to him.
Eren: Jay?
Jay: Hmmm?
Eren: A-Are you okay.
Jay: Just peachy.
Eren: Sigh.
She took his hand into hers. He stopped in his tracks and looked back at her.
Jay: What?
Eren: I need you to clam down.
Jay: Eren..I'm perfectly clam.
Eren: You tell me that...But your eyes tell me another story.
Jay: Huh?
Jay then looked at a puddle that was conveniently next to them. He look into it to realize that she was right. His eyes were red....and they looked like they wanted nothing but death.
Jay: Sigh-There's a high probability that...I'm not human. That's....why my parents didn't want me there anymore.
Eren: I don't care about that!
Jay: Huh?
Eren: Right now.....all I see is someone who is misjudged because of what he is, but isn't being judged on his who he is. I know that you mean well....but remember you have us now. Let us help you...Your not alone anymore.
Jay: Alright....Let's Just hurry and get her out of here so we can all go home.
Eren: Great! Let's go!
She grabbed his hand again and ran into the Cabin with Jay right behind her.
FuckFace 1: You know....I have an idea.
FuckFace 2: Sigh-Alright genius..what's your idea?
FuckFace 1: I've finally come up with a name for this place.
FuckFace 2: What's that?
FuckFace 1: The Stabbin-Cabin.
FuckFace 2: Really? That's your brilliant name for this place. You are literally a disgrace to child kidnappers everywhere.
FuckFace 1: Weren't they always considered disgraces anyway?
FuckFace 2: Alright. Shut the fuck up!
Jay: Ding Dong, Ding Dong....
FuckFace 1: Fuck Yeah! Pizzas here!
He walked over to the door and opened it.......only to be meet with a knife in the head.
FuckFace 2: You-YOU LITTLE SHIT!
Jay: Shhhhhhh......*Slowly Closes door*
FuckFace 2: Hey! Get your ass back here!
He came through the door sprinting to see Eren with a knife tied to a broomstick. She then proceeded to jab it into his chest.
Eren: Die! You piece of shit!
While she was doing that Jay walked back into the room and cut the rope that was restraining Mikasa.
Jay: Are you okay? My names Jay and that's my sister. Eren.
Eren: Hey!
Mikasa: *Whisper* T-There was a third one.
Jay: Huh?
He quickly turned around to see another person that they didn't account for right behind Eren....With a knife being held in the air aimed at her Head.
Jay: Eren! Move out of the way!
Eren: Wh-AHHH!
Eren: Jay?! What the he-
When she looked up she saw Jay standing there with the knife in his chest....for the second time.
???: Severs you right fu-GAHHHH!
Jay had just ripped the knife out of his chest and sliced the fucks throat.
Eren: J-Jay?
Jay: What?
Mikasa: There's a whole in you chest....
Jay: Give it a second...
After giving it a few seconds...steam formed around the area of the wound and it closed up.
Jay: This is.....why they were afraid of me...I really am a monster.
Eren had just slapped Jay across his face.
Eren: What did I tell you Jay? Your not a monster your....My brother. Alright?
Jay: Right...I'm sorry.
Eren then took Jay and Mikasas hand.
Eren: It's okay....But..Let's just get out here safely..okay.
Grisha: Jay! What were you thinking?! I told you guys not to anything too dangerous!
Jay: I understand that dad. But we all got out we took care of a group of
Grisha: Look at all the fucks I give Jay!
Jay: Dad..
Grisha: Can you see it son?
Eren: Dad!
Grisha: Cause I'm pretty sure that it's non existent!
Jay: Dad! She's right here!
Grisha then turns around to see Mikasa standing next to Eren and Jay.
Grisha: Oh.....Uhhh. I assure you that I have plenty of Fucks to give Mikasa.
Mikasa: Where am I gonna go now Mr.Jeager?
Grisha: Why with us of course....Gog knows that they don't fund any orphanages    anymore.....Well let's get going Kiddos...I'm very terrified of the dark.
Eren: Don't worry Dad...I'll hold your hand.
Grisha: *Sniff* Thank you..
Jay then felt a tug on the sleeve of his shirt. So he turned around to see Mikasa Blushing and looking down at the ground.
Mikasa: I just wanted to say...Thank you for saving my life.
Jay: *Smiles* It was no problem at all.
Mikasa: (His smile....I have to protect it.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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