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I blinked. What was up with this guy? Searching for me my whole life?
I heard Avril gasp. The other hand members looked like they'd seen a ghost.
"Mephiles!!!" They all cried in unison.
So that was his name. Mephiles.
"It's so good to see you and your family,Avril," He smirked.
I was shivering.
I felt someone grab hold of my hand. I looked over to see Sonic. Out of all people,it had to be Sonic! I was starting to consider trusting him.
"Stay with me,ok?" Sonic said quietly. I nodded.
"Defending your cousin,Sonic?"
Sonic clenched his fist.
"What's it to you?" Sonic shot back.
Avril slapped Mephiles out of the arena across the face. I was breathing heavily with eyes wide.
All my life was told he's the enemy and I hear he's my cousin!!
"(y/n).." Lucia blurted out.
"how do you know my name?" I asked.
Avril gave me a nervous giggle.
"We know everybody here!" She replied. I could see she was lying. How did Lucia know my name so easily? Why did Mephiles call me Sonic's cousin?
My phone chimed again. I took it out my bag to find I had been sent a strange text message from an unknown number. I read it out loud.
"I'll be waiting for you.."
I was confused. Who'll be waiting for me? Better not be that Mephiles creep. I sighed.
"How many more idiots are going to text me?" I muttered. "And who the hell is Mephiles?"
Sonic stayed silent.
"Well,he's a faker of Faker."
"...Faker?" I was confused.
"You haven't met him?" Sonic asked. He snickered. "Faker is an emo mc.edgelord who used guns before."
I giggled. "Emo? Used guns? He sounds cute."
Sonic snickered again. I didn't see what so so darn funny.
"Mephiles is just a moron with no mouth," Sonic explained,laughing.
"So he's basically like Infinite?"
Sonic blinked.
"Infinite is a bigger moron than Mephiles,only he has a mask to hide his ugly face!"
This had everyone dying of laughter.
I soon forgot about the text message.
I better go and see Mephiles to get some answers. Who knows? I might run into the hedgehog who saved me earlier!

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