Friend or Foe

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"Is this necessary?" I ask as I follow Santi and Raini into the store.

"Cam, if we're gonna do a stake out, I need snacks," Santi deadpans.

I roll my eyes and pull the jacket closer. Raini was nice enough to loan me a change of clothes, which was a simple tan tee, jeans, a blue jacket and sneakers. The size of everything is a little off, except the shoes, we happen to be the same size.

I don't blame him though, after I told them my plan, I realized how lengthy it might be.

I follow the two around the store and try not to vomit at every obvious show of affection between the two. Either it's they aren't holding hands for a second and forget where they are, or whispered secrets, or affectionate grins. My stomach has had enough.

We walk down a isle with drinks, and I see a worker there, stocking the shelves. He clearly has down syndrome and I smile lightly to myself. I love it when this cruel world can learn to accept others.

As we pass, he perks up and says, "Hello, anything I can help you with?"

Raini shakes her head, "We're good, but thank you!"

I offer a kind smile to him when he suddenly does a double take. "Haven't I seen you?"

I shake my head, "No, I don't think so."

He taps his lip and looks at Santi and Raini, who have walked ahead, "I know I have,"

I grin, "Oh yeah?"

Finally, his eyes light up and he smiles, "Yeah, you were here earlier! Except then you had some little boys with you. Remember the one with big red hair gave me this!" the worker exclaims, pulling out a small rubber ball.

But his words rung in my ears. My heart was slamming against my chest and I could only take in shallow breaths. I find myself moving backwards, away from him. I jog up to Santi and Raini.

Raini's smile fades as she looks at my expression, and the venom dripping in my tone shows my anger, "Does my family live near here?"

"What, Cameron, where did you-" Raini fumbles.

I wave my hand in her face, "Be honest. Is Kayla near here? Is my fucking twin within walking distance?"

The worried look that passes between the couple doesn't escape me. I shake my head, not able to believe this. Huffing, I turn on my heel, and walk back up the aisle.

"Sorry to upset you miss," the worker says as I rush past.

"It wasn't you," I say back, trying to keep the bite out of my tone.

I rush out the doors and scan the crowd of people, looking for a face that I knew my heart; my own. But it's late, and according to the worker, Kayla was in the store earlier. She got what she needed and it probably home, eating dinner with the kids. I have to see them, know how they've been and how they survived all these years.

Did Kayla find Lenny Coldstone? Did she or Jet do college? How so? Do they have normal jobs or did they succumb to the short life of being a gangster?

God, so many unanswered questions.

I was about to go right and start scanning windows of apartments and trying to find my family when I felt a tug on my sleeve.

It was Santi and he said, "Cameron, wait."

"No," I growl, yanking my arm free, "I have to see them."

But Santi was just as determined as me, and he boldly griped my upper arm, keeping me in place. With wild eyes, I go back and forth between him hand and face, "You know I could kick your ass."

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