Is that the Devil? Oh, it's only Montez

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Mature and descriptive themes/language. Not for younger audiences.
Read at own discretion.
Skip to "*" if sexual situations aren't your cup of tea.
Buckle in folks.

I peek at the clock on the counter. It's nearly ten. I pace around the room, chewing my thumbnail with anticipation. Manuel promised he'd send his men to safely apprehend my family. He said they wouldn't even take guns but I don't think Kayla would be too keen on going with burly men who don't speak much English.

I know I wouldn't.

How much does she even trust gangs? Maria did some good damage with her I'm sure.

Manuel brought me back to his apartment. It was actually very nice. Hard wood floors, white brick walls, black leather furniture. Modern appliances, abstract paintings.

"Bonita," the Spanish word rolls off Manuel's tongue so smoothly it makes me stop dead in my tracks. I bring my eyes up to meet his, "sit, please, you are making me anxious."

I sigh before joining him on the sofa. The news is on the t.v and they are still showcasing my baby sister. Poor Penny. God if there's one scratch on any part of her body caused by Montez I swear I'll kill him. If I can.

"Face it, Cameron, if you can't kill Enrique Iglesias over here, then you definitely can't kill Montez." And Leon was back.

And right.

As he always was.

God I hated that.

Leon was right about everything. There was never a time he was wrong. Never. Leon's existence alone was just right. So him being dead is just even more cruel.

"Manuel, can I ask you something?" I say abruptly.

He nods, "Si, bonita."

I'm going to have to look up what that means and why it's making butterflies dance in my stomach.

"Have you ever been in love?"

He looks away from me and stares distantly at the wall straight ahead. He was sitting back, arms spread over the top of the sofa, at ease. I saw the tension in his shoulders and how his jaw became locked.

"Si, I have, who hasn't." He said.

"What happened?" I dare ask.

"She left me."

"Why?" God I know I'm bothering him. Who would ever want to relive the pain of losing a first love? If he asked me about Angel I'd probably lose my shit. But I needed to know. The sad emptiness in his eyes, how low he was talking drew me in.

"Mi papa, he's very important in Tu Muertes. This gang is his life. My sister gave her life for the gang. It's my life. Mi familia. She wanted me to choose; my gang or her." He said.

"And you picked Tu Muertes." I state.

He remains still as stone, barely breathing. "Si, and she kept her word and left me. I hope she is happy now. I don't think I ever made her truly happy, the way she did for me."

As sympathy swells in my chest for the man before me, a sudden scoff comes from my right.

I discreetly glance over at Leon, who stands behind the sofa wearing an incredulous expression. "Cammie you aren't buying this shit, are you? It's a classic guy move! He's tryna get in your pants."

I look back at Manuel. Leon who is always right is telling me what I don't want to hear. Could it be true?

Then again, I don't really care. I only just met Manuel but I already like him so much. It feels as if we know each other. It's stupid, impulsive and yet so totally me.

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