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The moonstone is a glowing version of each clan's symbol. There is one moonstone from each clan so there are only six moon stones at a time. They are important to the children race as they are the only ones who can colonise new planets for the children.


Since the Children live for a londer amount of time they have a different age measurement, this is the decaquad. A decaquad converted into human years is roughly eight years, so when a human has the physical form of an eight year old a Children will still look like a one year old.


Frignitives used to be found on every planet before they were relocated to planet seven by the Star clan. Frignitives are extremely poisonous, once you are bitten you will have a painful death within the next hour. They are made from crystals and can only be killed by being shattered. Frignitives are nocturnal so they do come out of their cave at night to hunt. Their diet consists of Children however they can also survive of eating.

In some cases, the word can also be used as an insult. 


Zapnarg is the Children swear word/curse word. 


The word means someone who is a hypocrite or a liar. 

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