Chapter one

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*Bip, bip, bip* My alarm clock went on. The sound of that irritates me, I took the clock and smash it again the wall. I put my head under my pillow and continue sleeping. "Juliet wake up!" my aunt yelled "Why?" I asked. I mean it was summer. I had this thing going on when it was summer and it is SLEEP UNTIL 12 PM, BECAUSE WHEN SCHOOL STARTS YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO. "Jason is here" she yelled back. Well, Jason thank you for making me wake up. I got up, I took my shower last night {too lazy to take it again}. So I just put on my black jeans and white top, I curled my hair a little more. Brush my teeth and wash my face. I put my phone in my pocket and run downstairs, in the living room. Where my brother was watching the TV. "Hello, my beautiful brother" I said and kissed his cheek "Well, hello my beautiful sister" Jason said. He hugged me tight. "Get your jacket, I'll take you to have breakfast at McDonald's" Jason said. I smiled "Okay" I said and took my later jacket. Jason took my hand at we went to his car, which was in front of our house. My house has large gates and it's in the end of Las Vegas, the nearest house is10 - 15  minutes away by car. 
Jason parked in front of McDonald's "Go and take the order" Jason said as he hands me the money "What do you want?" I asked "MacMenu" he just said "Okay" I said and went out of the car. I came into McDonald's and it was full of people. I came to order station "Hello!" the young girl said "Hi!" I said and smile "What would you like to order?" he asked "I would like two MacMenu" I said "With?" she asked "Oh, with BugMac and Coca-Cola" I said "Okay, that would be 10 dollars" she said. I hand her the money as she gave me my order "Have a nice day" she said "Thank you!" I said and went out. 
I came to Jason' s car and open it "Here you are" I said "We are gonna eat that when we come to the warehouse" Jason said. It wasn't really a warehouse, it was a beautiful mansion, but they like to call it the warehouse. "So how is summer brake?" I asked "It's awesome. Me and Kayla are gonna have a blast this summer and her sweet 16 is coming soon" I said to Jason "Aww, that's awesome" Jason said.

We came to Jason's house, the gang was there. There were 5 guys in the house, but the gang was bigger. And right now in the house are Tyler, Robert, Bruce, Dylan and Luke. They are like my big Bros, except Bruce, he is like a father to me. "Hey guys!" I said "Hey kiddo" Bruce said and hugged me "Aww, Bruce you are killing me" I said and he laughed "Sorry kiddo" he said. I came and hugged the whole gang, I didn't saw them for a long time.  I missed them  

-xX Angela 

Jason's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now