Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Every body who comments! :D


Sorry it took a while for me to update I was on a camping trip and went to a few party's and I haven’t been feeling good the last few days but I'm getting better. :) So ye that's why I haven’t updated.

I can't believe I have gotten over 5,000 reads! Seriously! Wow.  It makes me so happy.

So I haven’t really gotten a lot of entry's on the cover contest so I might wait until a bit longer. Ye so please post your covers I really want to see them! 

OH! I found the perfect song for this story but it won't be in it until later but it is just perfect! It came out 4 years ago so Faith will know the song. 

So Zayn, Louis, Harry and Liam P.O.V's will not be in the story as much now sorry. I also have really bad writers block right now soo don't blame me for the terrible chapter that will probably be boring but sorry. :( lol

Does anyone even read my author's note? I dunno. haha so Here is the chapter.

Hope you like it.



Faith P.O.V

I felt sorry for him, I really did. Know body deserved this, except maybe the people who caused it. I have no idea why someone would be so horrible. Maybe they were messed up in the head? But these were just questions that I knew would never be answered. But why? That's all I want to know. Why?

I try not to remember what I used to have, it causes me to much pain to know that I will never have my life back. Sometimes your only option is to forget. I have to forget that I was ever happy or I might go mad myself knowing I never will be again. 

But sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if that day never happened. I still remember that day even though it was four years ago.

"No Mary I won't be late stop being such a worry wart." I told my best friend over the phone and shook my head. She was always worrying, she needed to just calm down and stop stressing out all the time.

"Ok, It's just not a party without you. Haha." Mary said and laughed. I smiled and rolled my eyes even  though she couldn't see me. Mary was having her 13th birthday party this evening and she wanted it to be good, since she was going to be offically a teenager.

"Ha! Thanks. Don't forget the pringels!" I told her and she laughed at the other end.

"Jeese you and pringles should just get married already." She said and I could practically see her shaking her head. I love pringles! They are just so yummy! I would get married to them but I asked my religion teacher one day in class if that was possible and she just sighed and said 'No, Faith. And It never will be.' I knew that already I just like to irritate her.

"I would if I could but can't so I shan't." I said to Mary. She giggled.

"Ok, byes see you then." She said to me then added "Don't be late." I rolled my eyes.

"Ye ye I know, I just have to put my school bag home and then do my hair and what not then I will be right over." I told her again and hung up before she could say goodbye one more time. Even though she is my best friend and I love her in a best friend way, she can get very distracted and then keeps repeating what she says and then adds some more and says it again.

I came round the corner and spotted my house. I walked up and took my keys out of my bag and unlocked the door stepping into my house. I dropped my bag down in the hall and walked into the main room. The T.V was on showing the Olympics. My mom kept it on because she liked to see what was happing as she passed through the room to put away clothes or things.

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