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A pale shaft of sunlight - the kind that no one ever feels shone on the Adenuga's Villa which was currently a mess of worried people due to the missing heiress.

Atinuke was a bit worried after being informed three hours ago that her daughter was no where to be found. She wanted to cry so loud about her missing daughter but she knew something was coming, she just knew- so she just kept mute, twirling her six million naira wavy weave in between her long, slender fingers.

Dele paced back and forth in the large sitting room filled with the family members that came to celebrate with Tamilore.

The teenagers were allowed to go back home earlier after being searched thoroughly by the security team.

"Atinuke would you not talked ni?" A fat Yoruba woman with an authentic Ibadan accent that dripped like thick honey asked Tamilore's mum who in return stayed mute although her gaze seemed like she was far away.

"Atinuke what do you know. Kilo n se e gan?" The light skinned woman pestered her again. As she spoke, her chubby and saggy cheeks adorned with three long tribal marks moved vehemently with the green and black patches on them looking like disco balls.

"Can't you saw that Tamilore is left this house all the moni they wan give us now koor bayi?" She cried to Atinuke again. She just stood up and walked away."

"So is me you are walk away from abi? Atinuke? Atinuke coming back here." She yelled and followed her into her bedroom.

"Ah and they telling me o I does not know it is so soon." She must before scurring after her.

"Bolu, let's talk in the garden." Fadeke Summons her son. She had was an authority figure and no one dared to contradict her. The darked skinned boy with gold tinted dreads scrambles after his mother immediately.

They walked silently to the garden where the party was held and as soon as they got there, Fadeke cut to the chase.

"Bolu did you make sure you got rid of everything properly? I can't afford loose ends. If you screw up you're on your own." She said bluntly; without giving her son a second look. Bolu was a complete contrast of his mother. His overly dark shin shone brightly under the artificial lights like he applied vegetable oil on his skin.

"Mummy I tried my best o." He said with a very disturbing pout; his black lips jolting out unattractively.

"Are you mad?" She begun lashing out on the young adult. "You think you're a kid abi? Bolu you're twenty two years old. You graduated secondary school with seven f's and two p's. You dropped out of university after that. Ode oshi. Even the house maid has gotten tired of you." She pulled his ears lightly as she scolded her son.

"But mummy?" He whined.

"But nothing." Fadeke cut him short. "If you like spoil everything. That's your problem. You better be a man for once in your life, and go and help them find that dumb girl." She made a weak attempt to push him towards the house and he follows like a submissive puppet.

"Mummy she's not dumb o." He whined again, gripping his ears with in fingers in defence of Tamilore.

"Shut up your mouth." Fadeke hissed and walked away.

"She will just be doing somebody like a child. What did I do now gan." Boluwatife grumbled to himself but Fadeke hears and returns back to their secret meeting point.

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