Meeting Him

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🔥Your p.o.v🔥

"Ugh, I'm so tired." Marco said as he fell down onto the couch. "Who wants nachos!" You yelled as you came in the room with a big plate of hot nachos. "I DO!" Star said as she ran to you with hungry eyes and took the plate and started eating them. "Btw Marco, hide your recipes better." You stated

"Wait, WHAT YOU TOOK MY RECIPE!!" Marco screamed at you. "Ya, and?" You replied calmly. "Whatever." Marco said as he angrily ate the nachos. "Ok well I'm gonna hit the hay cuz it's 10pm good night" you said as you left the room.

Once you're in your room you take a shower, brush your hair and teeth and went to bed thinking about what tomorrow will bring.

><><><><><><><time skip><><><><><><><

You wake up to Marco screaming "GIVE ME BACK MY PILLOW, STAR!!!" "NO!!!" Star screamed back so you ignore them and get ready for school.

After getting ready they finally calmed down and ate breakfast.

We walked together to school and once in the building Marco waved at Jackie the we went to class.

We were just sitting and listening to the boring lesson when you seen a flash of red in front of the closed door then it blasted open and a demon like boy walked in he had a red shirt, salmon color hair, and pink/purplish color skin.

He walked in front of Star and was about to talk but she intruped him saying "No nope no and did I say no!" And dragged him outside by the ear.

After we were out side he keep asking well more like begging star to go some where after a while
you had heard enough "For the love of chicken nugget she said NO!, GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!" you screamed
And they all looked at me "Umm do I know you?" The demon thing said.

"Don't know don't care." you said "Tom just go home and take all your fire and your dead horse with you!" Star said "Wait I'm dead?" The poor horse asked clearly confused "Sence you won't go with me then I'll ask her!" Tom pointed to you"Umm what is your name?" He said after a moment "(last name),(first name), (last name)!" [ haha James bond reference!!] You happily said because you were finally noticed!


(A/n) Hello I hope you like my story btw please read "Why The Fuck Is It Always Me."
My other book on here thank you byeee!!!

(424 words)

Tom Lucitor × Reader 💖Where stories live. Discover now