The Heights🌟The motivational speech🌟

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I believe even the Oxford dictionary agrees with me that height is a point when someone is at his best or strongest.
We all want to get to that point.
A point where we believe no amount of gravity can pull us down.
A point where no amount of pressure or force can pull us down.
A point where nature supports your interest in advancing to be your greatest.
A point where everyone wants to support your interest in becoming your best.
A point where even the universe is willing to be your ladder to the glory above the grounds.

Determination and your conviction I must say is the element that pushes.
Although to get this you must put in mind your physical and mental strength is needed.
Reaching the limits and overtaking it is everyone's dream.
Yes dream, don't joke with it.
You might ask why?
It determines your life.
Following your dreams raises you to that point of becoming who you really are.
Failure to follow you dream, make you the shorter version of your self.
Dreamers are said to be losers.
But get it today.
Dreamers that are losers
Are dreamers without a vision and a mission.
They are dreamers without a point.
They are dreamers without a plan.
They are dreamers that create a lesser height for them selves.
They are dreamers who don't put their dreams into action.
Now you get the point.

The most tragic part of people with lower heights is this.
They imitate loser.
I know that was hard,
But unfortunately it's the truth.
Create your self.
Create an image of who you really want to become outside who you currently are.
Define the real you in writing,
Convert it to words and say it,
Then perform it, by acting it.
This attracts the better you faster.
Law of attraction.

Emphasis on dream.
Martin Luther King once had a dream.
He worked towards it till it really became real.
Although .A. Lincoln failed so many times, he still had the dream of becoming the president and He became.
Look at the likes of Bill gate, Issac Newton, and some others.
This are icons you learn from.
Don't be them,
Be a better them.
Difficulties are to occur, which is pretty obvious.
But life is full of hurdles, right?
It all dies down on how you jump them.
A good example are the racers.
Imagine yourself as an athlete.
Notice, there's something special about them.
It might seem normal, but it's special.
They have a vision.
They aim at a goal.
The finish line.
That's their point.
They want to try their best.
They want to give it their all to get there.
So they start.
Like I said determination.
This some people lack.
But the ones who don't, get to the finish in victory.
I guess the popular retired athlete is on everyone mind.

Well heights.
The word some people might find hard to construe at times.
But this is basically what the real heights is.
It might seems shaky.
But this is an idea from a person on the topic.
The Heights.

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