Birth and devastation

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I was born, according to my parents and believing in what they have said, at 12 am on 14th October, 1971 on a dark gloomy night with the howling of winds and shattering of wind against the glasses of the nursing home. This was interspersed by crows cackling and some other animal, that obviously fans the fumes of superstition. I was born a normal healthy girl child, in the Asauta village of Banka , a town in eastern part of Bihar, India. 1971 and orthodoxy was at its peak back then just like it is right now, despite a bit of modifications. had I known that i would be made to suffer so much, I would have definitely ended my life on spot, had I the ability to do so. You must be thinking as to what is the calamity of life that tempts me so much to end my life , but definitely I feel that my problems are the worst of all, despite the fact that I was born to a rich father and a cooler for her era mother. The doctor had confirmed that I was a healthy and good going child, I weighed correctly , I was crying correctly and in the right amount and I was breathing normally. i was the second daughter to my parents and there were two more to follow. I had definitely been a pain to my mother since the time of birth and there was much more pain for her to endure. 

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