my descent into darkness

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 I am writing this from my bedroom, which to be honest, has become the only place I can think clearly ever since I removed the mirror on my nightstand. I will attempt to be as detailed as I possibly can, but every passing day makes it harder to keep my thoughts collected as you will soon find out.

This is not being written and posted to scare any of you, but simply to warn someone of the danger that can come with dabbling in the unknown. Before I progress any further, I want to explain how this all began.

To start, I have never been interested in the occult or any type of magic or witchcraft, but after watching the movie Insidious I found myself becoming more and more enthralled in the idea of lucid dreaming and, to be more precise, astral projection.

It all started a few nights after watching Insidious when I experienced a lucid dream. I'm not sure what exactly caused it, but I remember "waking up" in my living room to the television being on. I can't recall what was playing, but that isn't important...

I got up and explored the rest of my house; I went through every bedroom, both of my bathrooms, and I was about to walk out into my back yard to explore further when I felt as if something was off-- and just like that, I was awake back in my bedroom. I was so excited about my first lucid dream that I immediately jumped on my computer and researched lucid dreaming.

After a few hours scouring the infinite pages of Google, I came across one web page that referred to astral projection. I thought astral projection was the next logical step in my new found obsession into the world of dreams.

I read up on everything I could find about the subject and eventually became confident that this was an attainable goal, but one recurring theme kept popping up during my research; never test your limitations when outside of your body, it is better to be safe than sorry. Some web pages provided information about the dangers of meeting ethereal beings that were not friendly to our kind... beings with less than savory intentions if encountered.

I took note of these warnings, but thought to myself, "How bad could they be? I mean, they aren't even real."

Believe me when I say this; they may not be seen in the waking hours of the day, but they are just as real as you and I. They can have a profound effect on your life if they are encountered, especially if you are seen as weak or inexperienced like I was.

I feel as if you now have an idea of where I am coming from, so I will continue to my actual experience. I practiced astral projection for around half of a year making steady progress. It always started the same way; I would completely relax my body until I felt a warm sensation take hold of my head and slowly make its way down until my whole body was engulfed in a warm, soft vibration.

This was followed by a complete lack of worry; anything that was bothering me in my life or any stress I was feeling simply melted away. I would sit like this for varying periods of time, almost always in my basement due to the ample room and lack of interference from family members or our two dogs.

With practice, I became able to intensify these effects to the point where I would feel as light as a feather. I could then open my eyes and would almost always be greeted with the vision of my own body sitting on the floor of my basement. This excited me a great deal, but also scared the hell out of me the first few times...I never knew this was possible and it made me think about everything else I did not know about the world and our minds.

The first few times I made it out of my body and projected, I repeated what I did in my lucid dream I had in the past; I walked around my house examining every room. But this time, everything was so much more vivid; I would see my mother in her craft room just upstairs working on whatever she set her mind on that day and I could see my father watching television in his Lazy Boy recliner.

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