what would you do with a billion dollars

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My name is Xenia Demopoulos. I have no reason to hide my identity, as I have accumulated immunity from the things I have done and the people I hurt. He promised to protect me, through all my endeavors. So, with that being said, a simple name can't hurt me.

I was born in a small town located in Greece, named Parga, though I have since moved to the States. There is nothing left for me in my hometown, and I am sure you will come to understand why. It started about a year ago. My family and I were celebrating my 19th birthday, nothing too special. I was scrolling through Facebook, and noticed something was off. I only had around seventy people on my friends list, so when I saw an unknown name in my news feed, I was immediately confused.

The name itself isn't important. It was the post that caught my eye.

"What would you do for a billion dollars?"

Not often did my friends share things like this, not to mention in Greece, our currency is euros. Perhaps it is because we pride ourselves in working hard for our money and don't take it lightly. I know you're supposed to be light-hearted about these kinds of things, but it just wasn't in our nature. I decided to step out of the norm and comment on it.


I chuckled and closed the app, ready to continue the celebration with my family. I was off to college soon, and my year of travelling was over. Or at least, I thought it was. I sat down at the table, the empty seat beside me becoming bothersome. I tried to put it out of my mind as my family smiled brightly at me while my mother brought out the cake.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. My friend, Circe, was running late so I thought it was her. I let my mother set down my cake before opening the text.

Ruin the cake.

I was once again confused. The text came from an unknown number. Of course, at the time, I thought it was just a friend messing with me, so I let the screen go black and continued on with my party.

Circe never showed up, which was highly annoying, but I forgot about it eventually. I had plenty of friends and family present to make up for it. After a long night of celebrating and being surrounded by people, I decided to break away after most of my family left.

I walked down to the shoreline, basking in the moonlight and breathing in the fresh air. I would soon not have the privilege of this any longer, and I wanted to remember it. Of course I would come back to my hometown on vacations and such, but it wasn't the same.

My phone buzzed yet again, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Run into a moving car.

It was from an unknown number yet again.

Who is this?

Run into a moving car.

I decided to turn off my phone for the rest of the night, enjoy the water and breeze until I went to bed.

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