Chapter Thirteen

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Hey guys! Sorry for the slow update! Everythings pretty busy here at the moment! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think :)


Chapter Thirteen


Slinky?! Really kid? My mouth was slightly open as I stared in shock at Declan’s grinning face.

            My eyes darted to Anna in disbelief and found her biting her lip and staring at the ground as it was the most interesting thing in the world. Was she laughing at me?! Hearing Adam laughing loudly, holding his stomach and gasping for breath she giggled slightly before looking at me apologetically, it’s as if she knew how embarrassing this was for me.

            I sighed and then whimpered again at the pain in my paw. “Aw, poor guy!” Anna cooed as she set Declan down again on the lawn, crouched and scratched my head. She turned to Declan “Honey, will you go fetch me the first aid kit and bring it to the living room? Thank you!” She called as he ran off to do what he was told excitedly.

Anna stood again and started walking into the house before turning around and patted her thighs, “Come on boy!” She called to me and I immediately trotted proudly behind her fighting the pain, passing a wink in Adams direction as I passed, in which he gave me the thumbs up.

“Anna!” He called after her “I just called to check that Declan is defiantly sure he wants to go to Emily’s school?”

Emily? Does he mean my mom? I glanced at Anna. Declan is going to attend my mom’s school? But – what about the pups? What if they shift in front of her? I panicked I haven’t told her what I am yet! Oh, no what if she hates me when she finds out?!

Please say no Anna, please! She turned to Adam and grinned “Yeah, we talked about that last night! He can’t wait, he’s already made some friends!” She laughed. “He begins tomorrow right?”

Adam nodded “Yeah.” He smiled as he began walking backwards to his car “At least that gives you a week before you start our school” He grinned at her, I growled low so that only he could hear.

He did. His shoulders tensed and he hung his head in submission to me. However Anna didn’t seem to notice as she laughed a little nervously “Yeah! I mean I’m a little nervous about starting in the second semester but hey, at least ill know you!” She smiled.

I stopped my growling abruptly, she’s going to my school? Yes! Now I can be with her everyday! I grinned. Thankfully Mr. Matthew gave me a second chance … ill have to thank him somehow.  I decided.

“Mamma!” Declan charged out of the house “I gots it!” He shouted holding up a first aid box and throwing it around excitedly making the contents rattle.

“Declan! Honey put the box down before you hit yourself with it.” She said running up to him and taking the box off him gently.

Adam laughed getting into his car and leaning out the window.  “Well I’ll see you tomorrow Anna.” He glanced at me nervously “I really need to be going.” She smiled at him and waved him off as he drove back down the drive way and down the road.

“Okay, Slinky! “Declan yelled making me cringe slightly. “Come here boy!” He crouched down and patted his knees at me.

Something tells me in not going to like being a pet.


I knew it.

I knew this would happen.

Confused when I couldn’t find our new pet wolf  ‘Slinky’, in the kitchen this evening I ran upstairs to Dec’s room to see him snuggled around a huge fluffy animal. I couldn’t help but giggle quietly to myself and shake my head in disbelief at how cute they looked together. The way the huge wolf was curled around Declan made it seem that he was protecting him as he slept. His back paw still wrapped neatly in a bandage. I smiled, remembering how patient he was with Declan clinging to him and explaining to him all the characters of his favorite movie and how ‘Slinky is one of the bestest.’

            I silently switched on the nightlight and walked over to Dec and kissed his forehead goodnight. I hesitated and without thinking ran my fingers slowly through

This wolf’s head and placed a small kiss on his head to.

I couldn’t help the contented smile that made its way across my face. Why did seeing this wolf make me feel happy? How come seeing these two together make me feel complete?

I shook my head from my thoughts. I always get this feeling when I’m around Jace. Speaking of which, where was he today? I sighed as I bent to pick up my little brother’s clothes laying on the floor.

 He must have got bored of us already. I thought, no sooner though when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Ouch. I felt like crying about a loss with that thought and shook my head vigorously mumbling at myself to catch a grip of my emotions.

I hadn’t realized that throughout my thoughts I had found myself sitting on the bottom of my brothers bed when a small whimper caused me to turn my head and stare into the  strangely familiar honey brown eyes of the wolf.

He shuffled slightly towards me, careful not to move a sleeping Declan, and leaned his head on my shoulder as huffed through his nose – strangely calming me. It was as if he knew that I was feeling hurt and wanted to comforted me. I raised my hand to my shoulder and gently stroked his nose.

“Thankyou.” I whispered. The wolf just looked at me and licked my chin making my laugh quietly. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while until I yawned and got up from the bed.

I stretched and turned towards the bed again. “You,” I said quietly pointing at the animal “Take care of my boy. No keeping him up, you here? He has school tomorrow.” Slinky grinned sheepishly and nodded once before curling up again against Declan, who moved in closer to the wolf and smiled in his sleep.

“Hurry, hurry hurry!” I rushed about the kitchen packing the finishing touches to my brothers’ lunch and putting it into his school bag.

I glanced up to see where he was and laughed when I seen the look of intense concentration on his face as he tried to tie his shoe laces. “Come here little guy.” As I made my way over to him and knelt down on the ground beside his chair and tied his laces tighter. “There, all done baby. Now let’s get going. We are running late!”

He hopped of the chair and hugged me “Thank you mamma.” I smiled “Your welcome sweetheart.” He ran to the counter and grabbed his school bag.

“Im all ready now mamma.” I stopped what I was doing and looked at him. He had on his pants, a brown and white checked shirt and new shoes that lit up when he walked. Starting to get a little teary and hugged him to me tightly “Mamma is so proud of you! You know that right?” I leant back and looked into his eyes.

He nodded “Of course mamma!” A bark interrupted us and we looked over to see Slinky barking at the back door and stamping his front paw as if demanding to go out.

“Looks like someone needs to go to the bathroom.” I laughed as I opened the back door and watched as he rushed in to the forest close to us. Well, it looks like his paw is healed.

“Slinky!” A voice yelled in fear. “Come back! Don’t go!” I turned round to my brother only to his face crumble in heartbreak.

“Oh, sweetheart.” I ran my fingers through his hair. “Don’t worry, he’ll come back when he’s ready. He probably just wants to go lets his mommy and daddy know hes alright.” I smiled reassuringly at him trying to sound convincing.

It must have worked. As Declan’s face brightened considerably and he nodded. “Now, let’s go baby. You don’t want to be late your first day.”


As I ran to my house to tell my parents where I was that night I kept thinking, This is it. Today’s the day I’m going to tell her what I am.

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