Chapter Fifteen.

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Hola my lovelies! I know, I know! Im sorry! :( Ive been gone waaaaay to long! With my birthday and work its all a bit craaazy! Forgive me? :) But I havnt forgotten you! In all my free time ive been writing mmore and more of this story. Thankyou for all my new fans and those amazing fans who have continued to ask me to update! Believe me, they keep me motivated!

Please enjoy! Vote, Comment, Fan? :)

Chapter Fifteen


The drive up to here was, for lack of a better word, eventful.

It started as I was driving out of my street to Emily’s house. I had a special CD playing that I made that was full of Declan’s favourite songs that he was currently singing his heart out too.

We slowed at the traffic lights and out of habit, I happened to glance in the rearview mirror. There was a man, in his late thirties possibly, clean shaven but, from what I could tell, had long black hair that flowed around his shoulders and bright green eyes. Eyes, that were staring straight back at me and an unsettling smirk on his face. I shivered.

Not thinking much off it, I drove on when the lights changed to green, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. Again, I glanced in my rear view mirror to find the same beat up silver truck following me.

Wanting to test my theory further, I took a right turn that automatically took the long route to Declan’s new school. Just as I thought, the silver truck followed me.

Calm down Anna I chided myself Its very likely he is just going in the same direction. I took a deep breath and glanced in the mirror again. This time, however, he was animatedly talking on the phone, he met my eye in the mirror and winked.

I felt a chill travel down my spine as a feeling of uneasiness crept over me. I quickly looked to Declan who was sitting behind the passenger chair in his safety seat. I breathed a sigh of relief as I seen him wiggling his feet and singing “The Wheels On The Bus”. He seen me looking at him and grinned happily at me and I smiled back.

I drove on for fifteen minutes, fighting the urge to look in the rear view mirror again, something told me to pretend to not know I was on to this man following Jace’s car.

Finally, I arrived at the long drive way of the Goodyear’s house. As I turned into the driveway I glanced again behind me but the man was no longer there.

I laughed at myself for believing I was being followed. I parked the car and helped Declan got out of the car also and we walked hand in hand to the doorway.

Subconsciously though, I couldn’t shake the feeling of uneasiness. Who was that man?



I answered the door, my heart pumping faster as I was attacked my Anna’s sent through the doorway. It increased again as I seen her beautiful face smiling at me wishing me ‘goodmorning again’.  Then to top it off Declan ran to me and hugged my leg as he grinned up at me.

I laughed

One Week Later

It was the first day back for the next semester and I had finally delayed fixing Anna’s car long enough. Last night I had finally bought all the parts needed to fix her car again and spent the whole night rebuilding everything, imagining the joy on her face when she finally seen her working car keeping me going.

The sun had risen and set by the time I had finally finished. I sat in the front seat and turned on the engine, a satisfied smile lighting my face as the engine purred quietly.

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