Chapter 8

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The guy that said he bumped into me looked amused. I reached towards my other hand and started thinking of what person I wanted to be in school.

My personality that my schoolmates will see will be decided now. What should I be? An outgoing girl or maybe a shy girl?

"O-oh. U-um... Sorry," I said not looking up. I giggled mentally. A shy girl sounds fun to play.

"It's no biggie. I was just wondering why Kaylene was here, I didn't even notice you were in front of me! My name's Zander. Nice to meet you!"

His hand was extended out. I looked at it. What does he want me to do? Ah, I remember something like this. I reached out for his hands and we shook our hands.

"Let's go. We'll get our books and get right home."

We, Zander, Zac, Kaylene and I, walked to the bookstore as Zander sprung out short conversations. I knew better than to speak up and mess the plot that Zac and Kaylene had.

They couldn't possibly tell the whole school they were in a group that killed people and that they were in it for a living. People would freak out.

I listened in to every detail they said. It was good to be observant and that was what I was doing. Trying my best to not get sucked into my thoughts, I listened attentively to what Zac and Kaylene replied.

I noticed that Zac tended to give out some truths behind his lies. Some of them being that he always fights with Kaylene even though their parents were there.

The fighting part was true however the only person that could be counted as their parents were Laurence since he was basically the leader of the group.

Kaylene, on the other hand, was much more composed and could tell the lies easily. I wonder if she could think of a lie on the spot since these lies that they gave has obviously been used for the years they've been in the school now.

The story that was given so far was that Zac and Kaylene were good friends because their 'parents' were childhood friends and they were neighbours.

I didn't know where I stood. I may be a new neighbour or maybe a good friend from overseas and I just moved here. I didn't know. I kept quiet.

I already drew a picture of a quiet and shy personality for myself anyways. It wouldn't have been so weird if I kept quiet if I kept the image up.

Kaylene kept sparring me glances here and there. Maybe it was because I was too quiet or maybe she was afraid that I would go somewhere again.

Either choice made sense but the first choice was what I stuck to. I looked at the sign before the wall. It had the word 'bookstore' and the arrow pointing right.

We walked towards the next block and there was a classroom with books inside the room. I suspected that since the school was so huge that there would be a specific place for the sale of books. Guess not.

"I heard that they're implementing the school uniform into the school this year."

I turned around to see a girl whispering to her friend.

"I didn't know that! I'm excited. We can be like our oppas! They wear school uniforms right to school?"

"Yeah. I think they do. Imagine yourself in a school uniform. I'm so excited!"


How did she get the information anyways? Gossips. Maybe. They sound like... they are obsessed with something. No someone. Oppas? I heard that word before.

I turned to where I last saw Kaylene to see that they were already going into the bookstore. I jogged a little to catch up with them.

"I'll bring you to get your freshman books. Zac knows where to get the books. He's been here like thousands of times. Oh and if Zander questions why you're with us say that you're a new neighbour and that our 'parents' called us to bring you to the school to buy the books when they heard that you were going to this school."

I nodded and giggled silently. Kaylene shivered but continued to walk towards the bookshelves that had the word 'freshman' on top.

I got my books with some help from Kaylene. We walked to the counter to see Zac standing beside us in another line.

I scanned the books he had to see if he had taken any extra courses and saw a book that said 'Freshman mathematics'. I looked at his other books and saw that he had junior books.

I tapped on Zac's shoulder and he didn't reply. I looked at Kaylene and she looked at me questioning. I gave her my books and she just looked at me.

I walked over to Zac and tiptoed, whispering, "I didn't know you take freshman mathematics."

He dropped his books and everybody looked at him some laughing while Zander placed his books on the floor and helped Zac with his books.

I mumbled a sorry and giggled under my breath walking back to my line. I took my book from Kaylene as if nothing happened.

We paid for my books while Zac and Zander paid for theirs. Zac and Zander were faster and they stood by the door waiting for us.

The bag holding their books hung on their hands as their phones were horizontal. One of their hands were stuck to the screen while the other was continuously tapping something.

I took my bag of books and walked over to them wondering what they were playing.

"H-hey. W-what chu guys playing?" I asked

"It's this legendary mobile game!"

I moved my head to the side. What? He showed me the game on the phone and talked about what it was about. I nodded.

I didn't think I was going to be interested in the game any sooner. I didn't even know the game's name.

"We need to go back."

"One more round. Come on just let me play one more round."

Kaylene glared at him and he glared back. They looked like they were having an intense fight with their eyes.

"You can feel the tension here. We better go. Don't want to disrupt the sexual tension they have," Zander said, raising his eyebrows to add more effect.

"We don't have any sexual tension!" They shouted at the same time. Some people looked over but the others minded their own business.

"Uh huh," Zander said, walking away. He looked back to see an angry Zac. "I got to go! Bye! See you when school reopens!" He shouted back running to the gate.

I looked at his retreating figure, giggling under my breath.

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