Chapter 12

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Last Chapter...

"Hey. Let's get to training now."

I giggled and nodded at the same time. We made our way back to the gym and continued training.


"Bang," I said and pressed a switch

Bullets flew everywhere. I stood in the shadow watching, the bullets hitting the floor filling my ears. Bringing up my dagger, I threw it.

He slowed down and got hit by a bullet in the shoulder. The guns stopped firing.

The sound of the body hitting the ground ringed in my ears. He could dodge the bullets but only for so long.

I giggled and walked to him kicking the bullets away. I was tempted to play with him until he died but Laurence said to bring him back alive.

My smile flickered before it returned to my lips. It was fine. I can play with him more when they finally discard him.

"Your first mission and you already wrecked it. Oh and since when were there guns in this room?"

I looked at Zac and shrugged. Giggling I walked back to the car, replaying what had happened before the mission.

Tired. I felt tired. I have never been this tired before. It may also be because she had never had to wake up early in the morning before.

I needed sugar. Sugar was like my coffee. It wasn't like sugar was like a drug or anything. It just seemed as if sugar just had the same effect a cup of coffee would.



"Laurance wants to see you."

"Ooo? Sure! I'll be there."

It seemed as if trouble also had the same effect. I popped a sugar cube into my mouth. Sugar cube.

I had found them in a store and when I found out it was made of sugar, I felt as if I had found a new playmate to play with.

I knocked at Laurance's door.

"Come in."

I opened the door slightly and peeked in. It was the right room. I walked in and asked why he needed her.

"I got you your first mission!"

That peeked my interest. A mission. Can I kill? Will I finally be able to kill again? This group was a group of assassins anyways.

"Mission you say?"

Laurance nodded, smiling he said, "Your first mission! Your skills are quite good if you ask me but we need information on the man so we want him alive."

My smile turned into a frown before I nodded, smiling.

"Of course! Consider it accomplishable. But... I want to kill him."

"Ah. You seem to have a desire to kill people... We just need information. When we don't need him any more, I'll gladly give you him."

My smiled widened. "Great!"

"I'll get Kaylene to pass the mission file to you later on. When you get it you can start whenever you want."

I nodded and smiled, excusing myself out of the room.

"So why did Laurence call for you?" Kaylene asked.

Akita and Zac looked up too, waiting for my answer.

"Just my first mission," I said giggling.


"My first mission," I said as if it was nothing. However, it was disappointing. I could not kill.

"Most newcomers only get their first mission after joining for 1 year."

"Mmm... And?"

"And? And? What kind of reaction was that?!"

I shrugged and giggled. Walking to my room that I shared with Kaylene, I took out a box, opening it I stared at the types of guns in it.

What kind of guns they were I didn't know. They were just my collections I collected from my playmates.

"Hey. Are you prepared for your first- Is that an AK-47?!"

"It is?"

"Woah is that a..."

He continued to ramble about the different guns that were in the box as I tuned his voice out. He then stared at me before apologising repeatedly.

"I just want to say that your first mission should not be too hard so don't get too nervous."

I giggled not giving him a reply. He laughed nervously and walked out slowly as I heard him whispering something to someone behind the door.

Kaylene walked in slowly and smiled before saying, "We got to sleep early. We plan to have you go on your mission tomorrow. Ah yes. Your mission file."

I looked at the mission file and immediately turned to look at his weaknesses. As his weakness was easily distracted, I had already figured out a plan.

I nodded and closed the file and placed it on my bedside table. I laid on the bed and covered myself with the covers. I could imagine the shocked face on Kaylene since I never listened to her before.

However, I had something I needed to do later that night...

At midnight, I looked over at Kaylene to make sure she was asleep. Keeping silent, I took my box of given treasures and snuck out from the window going to the warehouse where Laurance said the victim would be at.

I placed down the box and started to connect guns to a button. Placing the guns at different sides, I wiped off the stray sweat that was coming down. Staring at my unfinished art which would only be finished when someone does in it.

Sadly, I know that the art would not be finished any time soon. I needed to bring him back... Alive. I sighed but giggled. As long as he doesn't give information or when Laurance doesn't need him anymore he's mine for me to play with.

I giggled and my giggles turned into laughter which I covered my mouths to stifle my laughs. I sneaked back into bed and went to sleep hopes my to get as much sleep as possible.

"Alice. We're back."

I looked up. We were indeed back. Giggling, I walked out of the car as I replayed how I killed the victim.

The face he made when the knife hit him was truly entertaining. I wanted to see it again.

"Hey! Alice you have got to take care of the body. It is your mission! Not ours!" Zac shouted.

I turned to him and smiled before walking to the car again. Dropping the body onto the floor, I began to drag him by the hands into the HQ.

I heard Zac mumbling a soft nevermind before he rushed to me and carried the body. I giggled. That was why you should not pass me a body.

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