Going to school

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Hey everyone. I would like to thank you all for the reviews. It's really great to learn that people actually want to read my story. Speaking of here's the next chapter and as always I still in no way own any of the characters even though I wish I did.




Third person POV.

Percy is eleven years old.

All that could be heard was the clang of metal. A fight was taking place between two people. One was cloaked in all black armour and the second had on armour as well. The fight was suddenly interrupted by one of the Furies, Alecto,

"My lord your father wishes to speak to you regarding a mission,"

"Ok Alecto I'm coming, and stop calling me lord, to you it's just Percy."

"Yes of course Percy," and with that she flew away most likely to torture some more souls.

"We will continue your training later young Perseus."

"Ok bye Achilles," and Percy then shadow travelled to his father.

Percy POV.

When I entered the thrown room I walk up to my father.

"You wished to see me father?"

"Yes a friend of mine would like your help. You see son there is another world out there other then the Greeks. The world was created by Hecate the Goddess of Magic. Her world is going to be at war in a few years and as you are a part of it from your birth mothers side Hecate has requested that you go and attend the school there. Also the people that the war revolves around is a child your age named Harry James Potter and your grandfather Tom Marvolo Riddle or as some people call him Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, You-Know-Who and other ridicules names. Tom Riddle has disobeyed the rules of the underworld. He has done this by splitting his soul into seven pieces. It will be your job not only to protect Hecate's world from destruction but to also great your magical education," My Father explained.

"Yes Father, will Lady Hecate be coming here?"

"I am already here child, and I would like to make you my champion. Will you except?" Lady hecate asked.

"Yes of course milady it would be an honour." I said, then bowed accepting the blessing.

"Now for the mission. Your father informed you of the basics. What I want you to do is go to Hogwarts and protect Harry Potter and in his sixth year I want you to train him to defeat the dark lord as only he can do it. Understood?"

"Yes mam."

"I wish you luck Perseus. Good-bye." With that she flashed out.

"Well son you should get your things ready and I will take you to buy the necessary equipment."

"Okay father."

That's it if you have any questions just ask. Till next time.

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