chapter two

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Minutes passed by slowly as I stood there, looking at the corpse of a man capable of ruining thousands of lives and all it took was one bullet to end him. Sighing, I walked back to his nightstand and put his gun down. My gloves stuck to my fingers like a second skin and made me feel better seeing them and knowing no fingerprints would be found. Swallowing the dread that had been creeping up on me since I knew what I had to do, I went back to the bathroom door and opened it. The first thing I saw was me in the mirror. Wearing nothing but black and my long light brown hair tied into a tight bun, I knew I was a thing to behold. My skin was golden, my cheekbones module worthy, full lips guys couldn't take their eyes off and my black clothes made my already bright blue eyes look brighter. I was a bit on the short side at 5' 2 but my generous curves and perky breasts added to the delicate appeal. Men tended not to be wary of small nice looking women. If I ever got tired in the killing business, I could easily con men into giving me whatever I wanted (not that I didn't do that now, just not full time). Tearing my eyes away, I looked to the left and saw what had me dreading to open the door. Laying in a fetal position on the shower tiels was a blonde girl who looked no older than 14. Walking over slowly, I tried to imagine what she must be going though. To be taken away from everyone she knew and love and to have the innocence only children possess to be ripped away from her and to know it was going to happen over and over again. That knowledge alone could shut off any emotions she had; leaving only a husk of a human behind. Opening the glass door, I started to crouch when I heard movement from behind me. Heart thumping, my instincts kicked in and I reached for the knife in my boot and turned around in a whirl, grabbing the first thing I saw; a neck. Hearing the kid gasp in shock and pain, the thumping of my heart slowed and I released some of the pressure I had on him.
It was stupid and careless of me to have not checked the entire room. My sloppiness could have easily been the end of me. Looking over the boy I realised three things. One was that his lips were turning blue, either from the lack of clothes and being damp or because of the hold I had on him. The second thing I noticed was the resemblance he had with the child inside the shower. Most likely being her brother, a wave of relief washed over me but was quickly engulfed by rage. All over the boy's body were different sized bruises and welts. The kid barely had any fat on him and I could easily see three pronounced ribs. Looking back to the girl, I notice that her body was marred in the same way. The water around her had a pink sheen to it that let me know that not everything on the surface compares to what's damaged inside. Turning back to the boy, I squinted my eyes at him.
"Why aren't you still in the shower with your sister, boy?"
I felt him swallow under my hand before he grasped out "I don't have a sister anymore.".
Understanding dawned on me and I closed my eyes to the pain I saw shining through his. She never should have died like that. Without hope and defiled to the point her heart couldn't beat anymore.
Letting out a slow breath, I opened my eyes and stood; bringing the boy up with me. Walking back into the bedroom, I felt the boy take my hand when he saw the body of his cager dead. Opening the armoire, I grabbed stretchy shorts, the smallest black shirt I could find, and three pairs of socks; the shoes would be too big.
Pointing to the chair I had occupied not even 30 minutes ago, I instructed the boy to get dressed.
Walking over to the far wall next to the TV, I slipped out the piece of paper in my back pocket. This times employer promised me extra money if I could deliver him what was inside Mr. Lee's safe. How he knew it was behind the dresser the TV held didn't matter. A job was a job even with a slight change of plans. Putting all my body weight behind the push, I successfully moved the dresser and was standing in front of nothing. Wait nothing? Brushing my hands along the wall, I looked for anything to show a hidden door. There were no cracks, indents, or hollow spots suggesting the wall hid anything. Maybe his intell was wrong? Turning around to look at the desk I noticed the boy was done dressing and was looking at the body but showing no sign of disgust or peace. His face lacked any kind of emotion like he was in deep thought of something. It was understandable since he had just watched his sister be raped to death. That didn't change the fact that I didn't like the look on his features. "Boy, come here." I ordered him with quiet authority. After witnessing many of the dark parts in this world, you tend to learn things such as those who had been sold for sex learn quickly to listen to orders to avoid punishment. His head snapped up and his shoulders tensed while he pushed himself up and shuffled over to me; avoiding the blood on the floor. When he was about two feet away he dropped his eyes to the floor and said barely above a whisper "Yes mistress?". I almost flinched backwards at the title. Crouching down so we were on the same eye level, I tipped his chin back to look me directly in the eye. The fear he had in them early when I choked him still lingered around the edges. There was also nervousness, anxiety, a mild curiosity and a barely concealed shine of hope in his ocean blue eyes. Hoping to get rid of some of his tension, I gave him a small smile which probably looked more like a grimace. In the kind of life I live there isn't much to smile about so the expression felt weird on my face. Giving up the smile I cleared my throat and tried to ease him into trusting me. "Im not a mistress. My name is Charlotte Rules. I'm a person who takes out evil people like Mr. John Lee over there. No, keep looking at me. Can you tell me your name?" During my speech his shoulders fell to a relaxed position and any fear I detected early had vanished and was replaced with a tranquil calm.
"I'm William. William Knight. I dont like it very much."
"Hmmm how about I call you Liam and you can call me Char?"
His eyes lit up by the nicknames I just gave us. He nodded his head and gave me a glimpse of what he would look like with a smile. It was just the tiniest twitch of his lips but it did wonders. Going back to a standing position, I walked around the dresser, resuming my search. "Liam, did you ever see Mr. Lee hiding anything over here or perhaps somewhere else in the house?" I hoped he would say no so we could leave. Every three hours, one of the security guards at the gates calls up Lee's phone. An extra layer of security that I usually didn't have to deal with since I like to get in and get out as quick as possible. Finding the room took 20 minutes with all the doors I had to check and to make sure no one else was in the house. It's already been about 40 extra minutes since the shower to now. That gives me about an hour and 30 minutes if I want to make good distance before they search the building when the call goes to voicemail. I should kill whoever made hope a word. "There was this red room he brought me Katie to before. There was a big screen inside and he made us watch a sex tape he had made with the kids before us. It was really gross so I looked around the room instead. There was a desk he was standing at for a long time next to the screen. I can show you if you want?" Having looked through the house earlier I knew what room he was talking about but let him lead me there anyway. On the way out, I noticed he was looking at the gun I put back on the nightstand.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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