The kiss

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TYLER IS A VAMPIRE!!!!! After Tyler dealt wIth that jerk he grabbed me by the neck and kissed me passionately the kiss started to get heated. As I realIzed what was happening I pushed hIm"TYLER do you realize what you just did first of all you are a freaking vampire and second of all you have a girlfriend!!!! I hate you so much just leave me alone. Tyler ran away I'm sorry Tyler I didn't mean it. Before I said that he was already far away. I'm an awful person and I just ruined my friendship with Tyler. I didn't feel like anything I just got up and left and drove home.


I was so shocked that Tyers a vampire. I couldn't tell anyone or he will get hunted down because no one likes vampires. Then I heard my phone buzz. I got a text I wonder who it was. So I looked at my phone and saw that Tyer had texted me. So I readed the text and Ii saId, I am sorry for what I done I hope you can forgive me. I replied and said Its ok I just was shocked. Then he said can we act like that didn't happen.

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