Chapter 1

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2nd Person P.O.V [13 Years old (In this fan fiction ages 1-13 you age like a human but at age 13 you start to age like an Asguardian)]

You were in the library like usual trying to work on my magic until Tori (Torunn's nickname) walked in and spat "Greetings Loser!" You we're used to it this was your life getting bullied by your siblings and neglected by your parents. All you wanted was to be noticed you don't want the throne but if that's what it would take for you to get noticed then that's what you would do. A simple reply from you was never given you just stayed silent and kept reading your book on magic knowing that if you spoke your words would be twisted and you would get in trouble more than usual. Being the Goddess of Misbehavior and Storms you got in trouble a lot and was never believed by anyone, even when you were telling the truth.

Tori lost her patience and said "Fine I'll just tell dad and say that you pranked me" demonically. You instantly looked up from your book and pleaded "Please no, what do you want?" You were too late she was already out the door sprinting to tell your dad that you supposedly pranked her when you hadn't done anything.

You continued to read until you heard your Dad and Father walking down them hall towards your room. Both of them came you're really in trouble if both came. Tori must have come up with a really good lie this time. Just as you finished your book Thor and Loki bust into the room and started yelling. " Y/N Lokidottir-Thordottir you were grounded from pranks for a month and yet you still disobeyed us and did one anyway" Your Dad (Thor) yelled. Your father (Loki) then commented "Not a very good one might I add".

You looked down and awaited you punishment seeing as they never believed you even when you were telling the truth. "No Library, Magic, or Pranks for 6 months!" Thor yelled. You stopped and just sat there in shock. He never gave you a punishment this bad. "And you will spend these months in the Dungeon" your dad finished.

What had Tori come up with that would get you in all this trouble? Your father then speaking up for the first time loudly stated "Guards!" 3 guards rushed in put you in cuffs and escorted you to the dungeon.

Loki P.O.V.

That child might actually be the death of me. After the Guards escorted Y/N out of the room I asked Thor "Brother, Are we doing the right thing?" He responded with "Y/N is following the same paths as you, pranks with no limits. She needs to learn so she won't end up like you did."

Thor did have a point. I then softly replied with a "Ok Thor" and walked out of the Library to go to my own room and maybe visit Y/N. I was walking down the corridor when I heard giggling from Toruun and Helas Room and decided to stop by. I would have to tell them the news about Y/N seeing as they would be concerned about where she would be.  

I knocked on the door and then opened it to see Toruun and Hela sitting on Helas bed talking. I then grimly stared " Y/N has been punished for her actions and will be spending the next few months in the dungeon, you may not see her or interact with her, Understood?" They both replied with a sad "yes" and then Toruun spoke up and said "My apologizes ". I was then confused, why would she be sorry? So that's what I asked "Why are you apologizing Toruun" She replied with "Because I told on Y/N and if I hadn't she wouldn't have to to be in the Dungeon" Then she started to cry and all I could say was "It's not your fault Y/N made her own decisions got herself in this position." I then left not knowing how to deal with the situation myself.

Once I reached my room I sent a  hologram of myself to the dungeon to check on Y/N. When I got their I noticed She was just sitting in the cell alone with a muzzle on and cuffs (blocking her use of magic) on looking at the ground while sitting on the ground. I noticed tears on her face and saw that her face was all red from crying. Y/N could could always tell when a hologram appeared in a room but this time she didn't. Y/N hadn't noticed me this whole time because she was in thought and was just blocking out the outside world.

I walked toward Y/N and not until I was right next to her did she notice I was there. Y/N instantly looked up and then once she realized who I was, she backed away and started to cry. I couldn't hear it because of the muzzle but I could see it in her eyes and in her breathing. I wanted to talk to Y/N about it but I couldn't seeing as she was in a muzzle and I couldn't take it off only being a hologram. I disappeared and then rushed to the Dungeon to be able to talk and touch Y/N without disappearing. When I got their a guard opened a cell and let me in quickly closing in afterward. The whole time Y/N didn't even flinch. I walked over to her and sat down right next to her instantly taking off the muzzle. The second the muzzle was off the whole room was filled with the sound of sobs. The second I went to hug Y/N she backed off and moved to where I would have to move to get to Her. What was so wrong with Y/N? she never acted like this well I wouldn't really know seeing as I don't really spend time with her.

Did I do this?

The Child You Didn't Even Notice Loki and Thor's Daughter (Not Thorki)Where stories live. Discover now