Chapter 1

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  I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Isabella Jade Tomlinson, I have strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. Me and my best friend Sydney Marie Austin Co-own a bakery in a small town of Plains, Georgia.

    "Sydney can you come in here, please?" I asked.

    "Yeah, sure. What's up?" Sydney asked walking into the room.

     "Someone is here to see you." I replied.

     "Hey Sydney, how have you been lately?" She turned around as she heard the voice of her uncle.

      "Uncle Troy! What are you doing here?" Sydney asked with a shocked  look on her face.

      "Coming to see my son perform at his concert tonight! How's your dad doing these days?" He asked.

         "He's doing okay I guess, I really haven't talked to him in a couple of weeks." Sydney replied.

      "Hi I'm Isabella, Sydney and I co-own a bakery together." I said introducing myself.

        "Yeah maybe you've heard of it." Sydney added.

        "I don't know, what's the name of your bakery?" Troy asked.

         "Sugar & Spice bakery in Plains, Georgia." I replied.

          "You two own that bakery? Really? That's awesome! You girls make great cakes and cupcakes." Troy said.

            "You've ate our cakes and cupcakes?" Sydney asked.

            "Yes of course I have you girls are the ones who made my sister-in-laws baby shower cake, it was the one with the Pink Cameo/Minnie Mouse/ and Halloween theme, do ya'll remember that cake?" Troy asked.

               "Oh wow! Yeah we remember that cake for sure! That cake took us alomst a week to make." Sydney replied.

           "Yeah that's what she said, but she was still very impressed." Troy said.

         "Well that's good I'm glad she liked the cake. What did she name the baby?" I asked

         "She named her Passion Olyvia Austin." Troy replied.

        "That's a very pretty name, I really like it! Sydney said.

          "It was her great-grandmothers name." Troy replied

         "Well it's beautiful." I said.

          "Troy! What are you doing here?" Louis asked walking out of the hotel room.

 .          ~Harry and Niall followed right behind him heading to their concert. Zayn and Liam walked out of theirs shortly after~

              "Louis, son I told you I would be here." Troy replied.

           "I'm not you son! Your nothing but a sperm donor to me." Louis said raising his voice.

             "Louis keep your voice down, we're not outside." Troy said.

                     "I don't care, I've tried to be nice, I don't want anything to do with you, you didn't want me when I was younger, so why bother now?" Louis said still raising his voice.

               "Louis I think we should go or we're gonna be late." Niall said.

            "Yeah it's getting too crowded in here." Harry said looking at Troy.

          "Oh and don't try to show up at the show or I'll have security throw you out." Louis told Tory.

                                                               (Troy left the hotel)

                     "So Isabella, Sydney do ya'll have anything planed for the rest of the night?" Harry asked.

                           "Well no I don't think so." Sydney replied.

                       "No I don't either." I said.

                         "Well how would you girls like to be our guest of honor at tonight's concert?" Liam asked smiling at Sydney.

                       "Sure." Sydney replied smiling back.

                   "Well Sydney's in, what about you Isabella?" Zayn asked smiling at her.

 .                              ~I have to admit that Mr. Malik has a breathe taking smile~

                               "Well sure why not." I replied.

                                  "Great." Zayn said winking.

                                       ~After the concert~

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