Camping (F)

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(Word count 606)


We decided to go camping. I was a little skeptical at first. But Arin convinced me. We started packing for the night. I was a little scared still, truth be told. I was scared of the dark. Arin was brave. Arin's those type of guys that if you dared him he'd do it without a problem. If you dared him to skydive he'd do it happily. So the dark didn't phase him one bit, it freaked me out. We were finally ready. 

We walked in the woods near our house, it was a place I dare not go. We didn't have bears but the herd of deer that ran through the woods was enough to freak me out. You might think they're an innocent herd, but the impact of a deer sends shivers down my spine. Again I'm not afraid of them. Just afraid of them in the dark, and in the woods. Were there could also be clowns! Why'd I agree to this? I sighed, maybe it'll be fine. This better not be ironic. We walked around I heard the leaves and sticks crackling as we walked. The wind making the leaves on the trees rustle. The birds chirping. Everything was so peaceful. Nature is awesome! 

We found a good place to set up, it was a flat area surrounded by trees. I set it all up while Arin tried making a fire. He gathered tons of sticks and lit a match. The sticks lit up fast. The bronze sunlight swallowed by the horizon. The bright sunshine engulfed in darkness. Night fell. To calm my nerves Arin thought it'd be a good idea to try S'mores. I put a marsh mellow on a stick and held it above the fire. Arin planted small kisses around my neck. I turned to him and he gave me a small kiss. He held his face to mine giving me butterfly kisses. I smiled. After the marsh mellow was ready, I put the chocolate on a Graham cracker, I placed the marsh mellow on top of the chocolate and took another cracker. I placed it on top of the marsh mellow and pulled the stick out. I licked my lips and bit into it. Arin laughed at me. I looked at him confused

(D) "Whattt?" I muttered with a mouth full
(A) "Nothing you're Just cute"

I blushed and smiled. He kissed my neck again, it was my sensitive spot. I loved being kissed there. I made a couple more S'mores before we decided it was time to go to sleep. It was around 9:30 It was a cold night. We got into the tent zipping it up. He turned a lantern on and placed a thin piece of clothing over it. Making it light for me, but not blindingly light. We had pillows and blankets. He placed them on top of us, it was almost immediately warm. I leaned over and kissed him. For how scared I am it's starting to feel pretty nice. I nuzzled into his chest. He played with my hair as I fell asleep. I felt him twirling his fingers in my curls. I slowly fell asleep. I was deep into a sleep before I was awoken by a strange noise. It was an owl. I Jumped up, waking up Arin. He grabbed me, pulling my head to his chest, I started to tear up a bit being so nervous. 

(A) "Shhh" He cooed.

I whimpered, he kissed my cheek and rested his head back on top of mine, cooing me still. I slowly started to drift back off. Before long I was asleep.

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