Sad (F)

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(Word count: 536)


I was feeling really blue today. I sat at my computer and scrolled through youtube. Hoping something would maybe cheer me up, I highly doubted it. But it was worth the shot I guess. Nothing entertained me today. I was usually a cheerful guy, but I guess today Just got me down. I missed Arin. I missed all my friends today honestly, I need comforting. I sighed. Arin was my significant other, so I missed him the most. But he was at the office helping them. I stayed home today, they didn't suspect anything. I don't think he realized I was sad. I sighed.


I sat next to Ross trying to come up with an Idea. I felt a strange feeling, it felt like the world almost stopped revolving. I don't know what's wrong. I told them about it, but they shrugged it off, and said I should too. But the feeling was too strong to ignore/shrug off. I sighed. I grabbed a pencil and started doodling on a piece of paper. I doodled Dan, I was missing him. I was so used to his laughter filling the room. It was so silent in here you could hear a pin drop. His happiness filled the room, his laughter made everyone else laugh. Things Just weren't the same without him here. And everyone agreed with me. I sighed. I felt my phone ring. It was Dan! I picked it up Joyfully

(A) "Hey baby!"
(D) "Hey"
(A) "You alright?"
(D) "Yeah Just wondering when you're coming home"
(A) "Soon, why you wanna know?"
(D) "No reason..."
(D) "No reason"
(A) "There is a reason"
(D) "There's not!"
(A) "There is, baby what's wrong?"
(D) "Nothing big cat" He said his voice breaking. I knew something was wrong
(A) "I'm coming home, love you" I said quickly hanging up.

I grabbed my coat and rushed out. I got into my car put the keys in and drove off. I was basically speeding, I knew something was wrong. I knew it. I was going 80 In a 30, I was surprised I didn't get a ticket. I finally got to the house, I got out and walked to the door knocking on it. He opened it looking absolutely exhausted. He had bags under his eyes it looked like he'd been crying for a little, his eyes bloodshot. I took him in a hug immediately. I closed the door behind us and got him to the couch. I hugged him tightly. I planted small kisses behind his ear, I felt him start to sniffle. 


I felt immediately calm. I felt happier. His hug felt so warm, it's like every emotion I had today faded away. My mind was focused on him. And he made me happy. I started to cry a little, I lifted my head up and kissed him gently. He kissed me back, I stared into his eyes. I started smiling like an idiot. He smiled back. We had a few more kisses. He grabbed me and snuggled me close, pulling a blanket over us to keep us warm. He put his arm around me, he planted one last peck on my lips before I nuzzled my head into his chest and I fell fast asleep.

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