nine - abortion

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Althea's POV

The light coming from the outside world peeking through the glass window hitting my close eyes. Keeping my eyes shut, attempting to shield my sight from the sudden heat from lights. My body felt fragile. Excruciating pain run through my head but the most unbearable pain was coming from my chest. I groan in pain.

" Thea." I never imagine such one word filled with so much relief.

Slowly, i try to open my eyes. Blinking, adjusting from the light. Mother's face the first thing i saw. Her eyes tired and bloody red due to excessive crying. A black circulating around her beautiful eyes, her eyes reflecting mine. Is she crying because she cared for me? A pang of pain hit inside me. Am i the reason she's in pain?

My eyes roam around the room. Yes, i was inside a room.White walls, white ceiling and white curtains. A small needle inserted at my wrist connecting with the dextrose beside my bed. I'm in a bed.Lying in a comfort of a bed hospital.

Wait. Why I'm in a hospital?

After contemplating where i am, a volt of pain flooded at the back of my head. My hands found the source of pain. My head pounding. I groan.

Trying to put myself in a sitting position, a hand on my shoulder stop me from moving.

"You should rest." Said a familiar voice.

I look up where it came from. It's uncle Jayson. My mother's brother.

" What happened?" I ask my mother who was now sitting on a metal chair beside my bed. Tears flooding through her eyes. She try to open her mouth to speak but cut when uncle do the talking.

" You should leave Jhen." His eyes on mine but referring to my mother." Nathan and carlo are alone."

My mother eyes fell on mine. Worries written on her tired face. Her eyes asking for permission so i nodded. Nathan and carlo needs her.

" I'm really sorry." My mother said before shutting the door close.

Uncle take steps towards me. Took the chair and slide himself. " Eric punched you." He said blankly.

Now it's clear, why I'm here. Scene last night flooded my memory. Pain and hatred starting to awoke my senses. Who take me here? The last thing i remember was there two silhouette running towards me.

" Don't make a big deal out of it." He said.

Hitting me is not a big deal? Why I'm not even surprise about his pathetic point of view. Yeah, i forgot they don't want scandal that would ruin his reputation as a government employee.

He and my mother are half-siblings . My mother was illegitimate daughter. So when my mother marry my poor father, they kick her out. Anything related to my mother was cut out when my mother chose my father.

When i still didn't speak a word, he continues. " And were going to fix this mess."

I lift my face to look up at him. Authority screaming on his look.

" How are you going to fix this?" I stare back at him.

Before, i used to avoid him looking at me with disgust because I'm so scared at him. But not anymore.

" Abortion." He stated without any hint of hesitation like it was a normal idea.

Out of shock, my eyes wide and my mouth hang open.

Yes, I hate my mother but it has nothing to do with the unborn child.

" You're insane." I blurted out.

A hand connect on my face. Tears form in my eyes. He slap me so hard that my head stay tilt on the direction he slap me. I slowly turn to his. Swallowing my tears. I don't want to satisfy himself by seeing how vulnerable i am. " Stop messing with me Althea! I'm now trying to help you!"

I laugh trying to intimidate him." Why?"

His hand raises again.

" Try to hurt me again, i swear I'm going to sue you! Child abuse? Criminal intimidation ? And .. attempted murder."

His face became pale." How dare you!"

" Why? Scared of staining your rotten reputation?"

His trying to control his anger. The intensity of his anger was obvious literally. " Stop being stubborn."

" Stubborn? You should have believe me in the first place." I pause. " You shouldn't have cast me out when i aproach you as your niece." I take a deep breath trying to calm myself from bursting out.

If you should have believe me, it wouldn't happen. If you just listen to me, my life wouldn't be ruin. But no, cause all of you didn't care. Now, i want you to suffer the aftermath of abandoning my mother.

" I begged you to listen. But you didn't. So don't act like you care. We're not family anymore, so don't dare meddle with this." I said with hatred towards him.

" You do like your father." He pause. Eyes burying onto mine with disgust. " You're both worthless.. both full of yourselves."

" I had enough dealing with your arrogance my niece." He spoke again making his way to the door.

" Same here with your hypocrisy, Mayor."

" I think, i don't have any bussiness here anymore."

So we are just sort of business for you after all. How pathetic i am to think that we're family. " You can leave now."

Then he storm out of the room slamming the door with force making a loud noise that echo through the hallway of the hospital.

TabooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora