I'm blinded by my cabin

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Tyler's POV

         After I was claimed this kid named Will Solace came up to me and took me around the camp. When we got to the cabin I was blinded by gold and yellows. When we went inside there was every instrument that you could think of and a lot of bows and arrows.
          "Pick up a bow that feels right then I'll take you to the archery range." He said smiling. I picked up one half wood half bronze bow but it was two heavy. After a couple more tries I went to the end of the rack and picked up a bow that was my size held it up I looked Will and he smiled.
            "Let's go to the archery range and you can get a set of guards if you want." He said still smiling. I nodded. So we walked to the archery range and he grabbed me a quiver with more than a dozen arrows. I picked up and arrow nocked it and pulled the string back and shot it. I made it in the yellow. But my fingers were cut the hand I was holding the bow with was cut and my left arm was cut.
            "I'll get you some guards." Will said and he went over picked up three  guards and handed them to me. I put the arm one on then the one for holding strings then the one for holding the bow. I picked up another arrow and shot it and the string brushed the arm guard. I looked at the target and I made a bullseye!
            "Nice job Tyler have you ever shot a bow before?" Will asked. I shook my head. I started to take off the guards but Will said," Keep them they're yours now but just take the three fingers off not the whole thing though." I nodded. We went back to the cabin and he took me to my bunk. "You can go to sleep if you want I have to go to the infirmary for a while." I nodded.
        After he left I fell asleep but I had a dream.
        Dream starts
  I was in my old apartment with my stepdad and mom. She was in the kitchen making some lunch for us. When she was done she put it in a basket took my hand and we left. She took me to my favorite place in the park. She played down the blanket and we sat down and ate.
     When we were one I asked,"Can you push me on the swings?" She smiled and nodded. We went over to the swings I hopped on, and she started pushing me. Then I heard my mom scream I looked and all I saw were beaty red eyes and black fur then I blacked out.

  Dream ends

       I woke up dripping in sweat. It was just a dream I thought but she's really gone. I got up picked up my bow and quiver swung them over my shoulder and walked out. I went to the archery range and shot a couple arrows all in the yellow. I went to go find Will when suddenly a big black dog was in front of me and I was frozen in fear as she was getting ready to pounce. . .

  Cliffie haha all rights go to Rick Riordan sorry I didn't say it last chapter

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