Chapter 1

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"Sophia! Your cat is home!" My father exclaimed from the other room. I scrambled off my bed, quickly putting my bookmark back in the book I was reading; 'A Dog's Purpose' And it was a wonderful book. As I set the book down, I heard my mother add;

"It looks like he caught a bird too!"

I ran out to the living room, and my parents looked at me, and my mother said;

"He is coming to the garage! Go get him!" I nodded and flew down the stairs, almost falling over. I looked out through the window in the door to go outside and saw Moonlight scurry into the garage, a lump of something in his jaws. I yanked the blue garage door open, seeing Moonlight holding a White-breasted Nuthatch.

"Nice try! You are not bringing that inside!" I exclaimed when he started to step inside. He Dropped the bird, (to my surprise) and came inside. He ran down the stairs, most likely to eat, and I turned to the bird. I crouched next to it and was just about to pick it up to throw it away when it moved. It Moved. I gasped as I watched it's chest heave up and down, beating, and throbbing, and gasped.

"It's not dead!" I yelled

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