Chapter 8: 「ɃᵾNNɎ」

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Hana's POV

"ɎØɄ ₭₦Ø₩ ɎØɄ ₵₳₦'₮ ⱧłĐɆ ₣ⱤØ₥ ₥Ɇ ₣ØⱤɆVɆⱤ!" The creepy man shouted once again. It has been 10 minutes, yes I was counting. Me and the idiot, Zen, have been hiding in this empty, cold, and abandoned hut in the middle of nowhere. I don't know why, but Zen was still holding me close to him. That pervert! I swear if he attempts anything I will-

I heard clank, assuming a metallic object fell to the ground somewhere behind us, which caused me to turn around. I then saw the fluffiest, white rabbit I have ever seen in my life! I managed to make Zen's hand let go of mine. "Aww. Zen, look!" I whispered as I slowly approached the innocent, white bunny. "Not now, Kitty!" Zen said as he kept his gaze outside the window for any sign of the killer.

The bunny surprisingly didn't run away from me, but instead jumped right into my arms. I giggled as the cute little bunny began licking my cheeks with its tiny tounge. As Zen turned around he said, "Could you be quiet I am trying to-" I brought the bunny closer to my chest as I looked up at Zen with glassy eyes, I was too happy. Zen stomped over to me and snatched the bunny out of my hands, leaving me shocked.

"This little fella doesn't belong here." Zen bluntly stated as he quickly took the bunny outside and locked it out. "B-B-But Zen! I-Its just a bunny!" I stuttered as I walked to the window to look at the sad bunny. Now the bunny is outside exposed to the killer! "We can't trust anything or anyone right now, other than the boys. Let's just wait for their back up then I will get you another bunny." He stated coldly. I felt anger slowly boil up inside me. Why does he always have to be a jerk? Why does he always have to ruin my happiness? I opened my mouth and slowly said, "Could you not. I know you won't get me a bunny. You are too heartless to do anything-"

Zen interupted me and said, "Don't even start-" "Start what? Stating the facts? We both know it Zen. You hate me and everyone knows it. So acting nicely won't make up for the disgusting things you've done to me, stop it. I am tired of you." I stated sadness and anger hinted in my voice.

〈Author's POV〉

Zen teared his gaze from this window his eyes widened a little. Why now of all times? He edged closer to Hana, but she didn't seemed to notice it at all. "Be quiet." Zen commanded. Hana raised her voice, "N-NO! I am tired of you-" "No for real. Be quiet." Zen stopped her from saying anymore as he covered her mouth with one hand and pointed at a faint figure in the distance.

Hana narrowed her eyes at Zen's concentrating face. She was getting really suspicious. She knew what she had to do. Few seconds later, Zen felt his hand that was covering Hana's mouth moisten. Then it hit him like a truck when he realized it was her saliva. "EW!" He hissed as he immediately pulled his hand back, "What was that for?!" Hana rubbed her mouth with her sleeves and after she finished she gave him a sly smirk. Zen's attention was all on Hana, completely forgetting his task.

Hana's eyes widened when she moved her gaze from Zen to the window. Zen raised an eyebrow at her gaze, then looked the same direction when she pointed at something with her finger. It was a dark figure standing at a distance facing the hut. Zen and Hana were staring at the mysterious figure waiting for the smallest movements.

The figure moved; it pulled something long from its back and pointed it at them. Both Zen and Hana were trying to figure out what it was doing. Then Zen realised what it was and his eyes widened. "DUCK!-" He shouted as he grabbed Hana's head and ducked with her. The sound of a sniper boomed and the sound of glass breaking filled their ears.

Zen crawled to a corner dragging Hana behind him. BANG. Another shot boomed. Zen was trying to figure out a way to get out. He looked over to Hana, seeing her visibly shake while her hands covered her ears. She was terrified. Yes it was a game, but ever since she heard about the glitch she took everything way more seriously than she should have.

Zen sighed. He had never seen that side of her at all, but who could blame her? She had the right to be scared. He suddenly had to urge to protect and fight. Her weak figure burnt a flame inside of him. He groaned as he places a finger close to his ear. "Namjoon, do you copy?" He asked. He waited for few seconds then he got an answer. "Zen! Where the hell are you!? The whole group is looking for you!" Namjoon replied with concern.

Zen heard few more shots which caused him to frown. "I need back up. The target has spotted us and now we are cornered and under an attack of level 8." Zen stated through his clenched teeth. Namjoon slightly gasped on the other side. "We will send few to your via location. Stay safe and keep him off. Over." Namjoon replied and cut off the connection.

Zen looked over to Hana. She was trying to change her sword to a gun. She pressed a button in the air. "Payment confirmed." A robotic voice stated. Her sword changed its shape to a pistol.

[Zen's POV]

I looked behind her and noticed a hole in the wall. The hut was made of wood. I crawled towards the hole lightly pushing Hana out of the way. I inspected the hole soon took out a small combat knife and began stabbing the hole. The hole slowly got bigger and bigger soon big enough for us to crawl through.

I looked at Hana she was now frowning as she was looking outside. "Follow me." I said as I poked her. I crawled out the hole, but the second I stood up I heard a deafening BANG! I wasn't sure what happened, but I did hear Hana scream. Soon I heard shooting and foot steps towards me. My mind was blurry and so was my vision I could barely take in my surroundings.

Hana came into view soon pulled me up and began walking quickly. She was trying so hard to keep up with my increasing weight. "P-please don't die.." She kept on repeating her voice getting more muffled each time. I tried to keep my head up, but I just wanted to sleep. A bunch if gunshots could be heard, but I wasn't sure from were or from who.

I fell and so did Hana. She got up and dragged me once again. "MAN DOWN MAN DOWN!" Someone shouted. I couldn't hold any longer.. I had to close my eyes and soon got engulfed by the pleasing darkness.

[Author's POV]

The group of men were now surrounding Zen. Hana managed to wrap up his wound. She still couldn't get over the sight of terror she saw. When Zen got shot, he just flew back like he got hit by some sort of huge invisible power. The bullet missed his heart by 4 centimeters. It was a matter of luck, he is safe now.

The group were currently at a abandoned hospital. It was the closest place they could carry the injured man to. Luckily, as a part of her kit, Hana had the essential healing pills for such serious injury. She already gave him one and is waiting for him to open his eyes.

Everyone was silent as they watched Hana check up on him every five minutes. Hana finally got up and everyone's gaze was now on her. "I will be right back." She said in a whisper, barely audible. Hana walked out of the room soon Jhope followed her. Hana didn't mind his presence, but she still felt numb after what happened.

"Hana.." he finally broke the silence. Hana didn't look at him, not even glimpse. How did he know her real name? She never thought about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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