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and before I forget this chapter gose out to iiLexiiBoo for being the FIRST to read AND comment on my story!!! THANK YOU SoOoOoO MUCH!!



  "Ugh!!!" I grown as i roll out of bed and I mean roll the alarm clock scared the living shit out of me so much I rolled off the bed with a thud.

"Honey are you ok??" my mom yells up the stairs.

"yes" I grown again finding it harder and harder to get up.i don't wanna go to school I pout like a five-year old finally pushing myself off the ground.I ran to the bathroom taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth before drying my hair and putting on the clothes I set out yesterday. slipping on my shoes before running down the stairs to see my mom setting her plate on the table as I gulp mine down. throwing on my backpack and grabbing my wallet before kissing my mom good bye and walking to the bus stop.

I looked down at my phone plugging in my head phones playing my favorite song of the day "fashionably late"by falling in reverse.i start to nod my head to the song as the bus pulls up to my stop. I hop on to be greeted by and man in his early 40s.I smiled to him then made my way to the back of the bus.I set my stuff next to me to see a girl decked out in black from head to toe except her hair that was a rainbow of colors in pink-tails her eyes a bright green just push my stuff in my lap and turn to me.

"Hey my name's Lucy what's yours, are you new do you need any help,are you gay hey hey hey!!!"she practically screamed in my ear.wait back it up did she just ask if I was gay!?!?!

"WHAT THE HELL!?!?!" I ask I could feel the blush start to creep up my neck.

"i asked if you were gay??" she said casually tilting her head in confusing.

"ye-yes" I managed to screech out. my blush growing a deeper shade of red.

"Awww!! YOU'RE SOOOOO CUTE!!!" she said pinching my cheeks "WhAt's YoUr NaMe!?!?!"she yelled finally letting go of my cheeks.

"Eli...." I whispered rubbing my cheek.

"sorry" she said "how about I show you around and tell you who's who in this school "she asked as the bus pulled to a stop ok I mumbled as we all piled out of the bus in front of the school. she grabbed my hand pulling me through the crowd to the doors she pushed them open and ran through before thay closed.

"you ok" she asked as are run came down to a slow walk."yes" I said trying to catch my breath.

"ok let me see your schedule" she asked and I handed it to her. "wow we have all the Same classes even CHOIR!!! YOU  sing!!!"she said laughing "yes" I said in a low voice letting a blush over take my face "SOOOO CUTE!!!" she screams pinching my cheeks again!!."ok, are class is this way!!" she said then began to talk about anything and everything under the Moon. i partly paid attention to what she was saying until we turned a is all I thought as I saw those same blue eyes as in the forest  the first day i arived and the person with these beautiful blue eyes happened to be sexy as hell and man was he in shape.he had light brown hair and you could see how muscular he was though his v-neck shirt and man were his abs to die for I thought licking my lips.

"eli....eli...ELI!! "I heard than turned to see Lucy looking up at me with a smirk planted on her as she started to walk some more "What?" I asked  "nothing"she said the smirk growing in to a smile as she stopped in front of a door "we both have math first lets go"she said pulling me into the class room I haven't gotten my locker yet not until English later today. as I stepped in all eyes were planted on me. I looked around the class room to have my eyes make contact with those blue ones.I quickly looked away to see the teacher began to turn he looked a Lucy "Lucy why are you late to my class..again?!?".

"sorry I was helping a kid find his way and we ended up being late"she explained."its ok your fine fine for now take your seat"."ok" she mumbled taking the seat next to the empty seat by mister sexy as his eyes( AN:dont think this sentence really makes sense?)."well then mister..."he said taking a pause."Eli...Eli Johnson"I said "ok mister Johnson go thair the seat in between lucy and Alex just follow along with the class the best you can "he said pointing to Lucy and sexy eyes.I walk over setting my stuff down and pulling out my sketch book and a pen not paying any attention during class until a note landed in the middle of my page of my drawing of the front of the class room with the little look to my side time and time again.I opened the note and looked up to see Lucy looking at me mouthing read it.I looked down at the note it read i know you like Alex your looking at him as if you wanna rip his pants off and start going at it like VERY horny bunnies. I look up to glare at her but thair she is smirking at me a happy glint In her eyes I grumble and look back down at my drawing and I feel eyes on me I was about to turn around as the bell rang everyone rushing out the door.

for the rest of the day I swere I felt someone staring at the time the last bell rang I figured out that I only had four classes with Alex, and lucy was the only friend I made.I walked up to my bus taking the same seat as I did this morning. Lucy wasn't here because she had to stay after school for detention for being late to almost all of are classes today. the bus pulled to a stop and i got off and began to walk up my long ass drive way as I felt as someone was staring at me again I felt it all day as if im began watched.

I ran inside and to my room yelling a quick hello as I heard my mom open the front door. by the time she got here I already made dinner. time to take a shower I thought as I started to take of my clothes and then I felt it the eyes starring at me through the window I started to shiver. it's nothing I tell my self as I began to take off my pants I was about to take off my underwear when I head a loud crash out side my window and then I saw it a large light brown wolf with blue eyes next to the trash cans blood dripping down its nose.I run out side and its....gone??

what the hell?? I grumble as l return to take my shower. grabbing my bat man pajamas and head to the shower letting the hot water hit my skin felt good.


(time skip)

by the time I got out of the shower you could already hear the light snores coming from my mother's room down the hall.after I got out I ended up just lying in my bed thinking about how everything would go from here on out.would I ever talk to Alex?? or will the feeling of im being watched ever go away?? were some of the thousands of thoughts that run through my head as I drift of in to a light slumber.


AN:I AM THE QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD BITCHS LOVE ME!!! HAHAHAAH!!! OK  I AM NOW DONE BEING WEIRD.....ok well for now that is.again sorry if any errors I couldn't see any but mite be?? don't know?? well bye my lovely demons I wisdom you all one hell of a day!
Sebastian: I AM JUST ONE HELL OF A BUTLER!! bitch!!!
Sebastian:I hate you
ME:well I love you and YOUR sexy ass!!
Me:I WIN!! ok thanks for reading BYES ~BYES!!

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