Staying Here With You

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The Next Day

Roc's POV:I Feeling Good For Some Reason Today But I Guess I'll Just Go Check Up On Kiya And The Baby

End Of POV

(Roc Knocks On The Door)

Kiya:*Answers The Door With A Sports Bra On And Yoga Pants On*

Roc:Hey Ba...*Gets Cut Off By A Kiss From Nikiya*Damn Bae

Kiya:Sorry Hormones *Wiping His Mouth*

Roc:It's Coo That You Still Want The Zilla 😂😂

Kiya:Shut Up That's How We Go In This Situation *Points To Her Stomach*

Roc:I See And Daddy Loves You Too *Nealing Down And Kissing Nikiya's Stomach*


Roc:What's So Funny??

Kiya:Just Never Thought I Would Be Having You Baby

???? Knocks At The Door

Kiya:I'll Get It...Oh Hey Mom

KM(Kiya's Mom):Hey and Is This The Babyfather

Kiya:Yes And My BoyFriend

KM:Okay What's Your Name Young Man??

Roc:Chresanto August But My Friends Call Me Roc

KM:Tell Me About Yourself


Roc:Nahh...She's Fine I'm In A Group Called Mindless Behavior and I Was Born In LA That's About It And That I Love Your Daughter Very Much

KM:While Roc You Passed The Test...Kiya You Gotta Keeper But Keep Him Close

Kiya:*Looks At Roc*Oh I Will

Roc:Nice Meeting You

KM:You Too,But You Better Take Care Of My Child And My Grandbaby


KM:I'm Leaving Tonight Night So I'll Call You When I'm Back In Cleveland K

Kiya:Okay Love You

KM:Love You Too

(KM Leaves)

Kiya:Sorry About That

Roc:Nah Its Coo *Sits Kiya On His Lap* Now Give Me A Kiss😚

Kiya:*Kisses Him* Starts (Grinding On His Dick Making Him Hard)

Roc:Don't Start Nothing You Can't Finish 😉

Kiya:*Stops* Let's Go Get Sum10 To Eat

Roc:How I'm I Supposed To Fix This *Looking Down*

Kiya:Idk 😂😂

Roc:I'm Gonna Get You Back

Kiya:Sure Okay

What Do You Thinks Gonna Happen Next???

She Finally Realized (A Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now