chapter 2

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He removed the handbrake and continued to drive to school without any further conversation. It wasn't long until the two boys were pulling into the school car park, the slow pace of finding a spot was leaving Geno on edge. Once parked, the jock clicked a button on the dash that closed the convertibles roof. Once his seatbelt was off the jock was reaching into the back of the car for what Geno could only guess would be his bag. Slowly, Geno unclipped his seatbelt in order to get away from this awkward experience as fast as he could, reaching for the door handle as the first stage of his escape.

Geno's struggle to get out of the car didn't go unnoticed by the other boy, as he walked round to help. His hands were caring and gentle as he grabbed Geno's cane out from beside him and held it between his legs so it wouldn't fall. Geno could do nothing but watch as the boy carefully lifted Geno's legs up and out of the car. With a hand, held out to Geno, the jock motioned for Geno to use him as a way to steady himself and get out of the car, which Geno reluctantly did.

This was nothing like Geno had ever experienced. This treatment was so kind and caring. This jock wasn't like any other person who had tried to help him before, he actually put an arm around Geno's back as support all while holding Geno's hand to give him some independence in his mobility. Geno has a sneaking suspicion this isn't the guy's first rodeo.

Once standing and getting himself all fixed up, Geno is brought out of his focus by the other boy's voice, "Give me your bag." he said out of the blue.
"What? No, I'm perfectly able to carry it."
"I don't care whether you think you are or not, just give it to me, you're already struggling," there was a moment where to two just looked at each other before the taller spoke up again, "I mean you couldn't even get out the car."
As much as Geno wanted to fight it, he was right, Geno was struggling. Not that he wanted to admit it. "Fine," Geno mumbled as he held out his bag, having his cane put in his now empty hand.

The boys start to make their way to the front hall before the jock starts talking again.
"Hey, by the way, I never got your name."
"Oh you shouldn't bother, this is a one-time thing and it's not like your gonna see me in the halls either," Geno stated blankly, facing straight forward, not even looking at the taller boy.
"One-time? Oh boy aren't you in for a treat, because I'm going to pick you up every day from now on, you can't make it to school like this," he responded gesturing to Geno's stumbling self, "well not easily."
"Yeahhh, no you're not, I can get to school on my ow-"
"Don't you have anyone there for you?" He asked, cutting Geno off.
This stopped the smaller boy in his tracks. This obviously sparked something in his mind that the taller wasn't prepared for.

Geno couldn't help but think of his brothers, "Well..." There was a moment of silence between them, "I do... but they go to a different school."
"Who is 'they'?"
Before Geno could even get upset over the stupid amount of questions this irrelevant jock was asking him, the bell rang. The boys hadn't even made it to the main hall yet because of Geno's slowed pace.

"Oh for crying out loud," Geno spat under his breath, "Just give me my bag and go to class jock" He said with an empty hand held out for his bag.
"I said I was going to stay with you," he stated matter of fact-ly, "and for your information, my name is Reaper."
"Okay. Reaper. Go to class and give me my bag, you're now really late." Geno demanded.
"Nah, my teachers know if I'm late I have a good reason."
"Oh, so your one of those 'good' jocks?" Geno queried, continuing to walk because Reaper was being stubborn and obviously wasn't going to budge.
"I guess," he said, walking in stride with Geno who send him a questioning look.
"What? I don't fit your stereotypical views?"
Geno just looked Reaper up and down.

They kept walking silently through the main hallway where there was no sound but the clank of the metal in Geno's cane as he leaned his full weight on it. Geno hobbled to his locker, unlocking it. He then got Reaper to get things out of the bag so that he could shove the bag into his locker. 

Apparently, they had been making quite the racket because a teacher came out because she heard students in the halls.

"What are you two doing out of class?" The teacher asked way too loudly for the empty quiet hall, causing Geno's sensory problems to start to flare up.
"I asked you two a question!" The teacher exclaimed obviously furious for being ignored. Geno stood there for a second, trying to stop his tics from happening.

However, Geno was unsuccessful as his head jerked quickly to the side as the teacher's voice echoed over and over in his head.

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