Jeongguk digs a hole for someone and for himself too (#stanJungoostanTalent)

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Jeongguk had been running around all day.

If he had to go print something one more time, he would stab someone with whatever was closest to him in the heat of the moment. It could be a pen or it could be his grandma’s ultra-thin, ultra-sharp, ultra-smooth early renaissance pocket knife with six function including but not limited to scissors and a cork puller with a stainless steel blade that she stole off of someone from Zhejiang. It is said that the dude grandma Minsoe stole it from is still wandering the earth looking for the wretched then sixteen year old who stole his most priced possession. Hey! he didn’t want the description of the knife to be this fucking long either but if he had to run around his house in the middle of winter until he memorized that shit then you bet your flat ass he was gonna let everyone know how fabulous his grandma’s knife is every chance he got.

“Psstt dude……”, Jeongguk resisted the urge to roll his eyes at whoever was calling him. He should go back to wearing glasses. It possibly could not be good to be wearing contacts when he had to roll his eyes at dumbasses so many times a day.

You need this job to make your family proud Jeongguk. Just survive six more months and then you’re as free as a bird.

“Yes……..ummmm…….sir……”, this dumbass didn’t deserve his respect. And he was older than the kid too. Honestly he wasn’t even getting paid to put up with this bullshit.

“I need you to answer these calls while I go eat lunch real quick.”

Oh fuck no.

“But sir, I’m not qualified-……..”, he was cut off by the kid again. Well he wasn’t exactly a kid, probably 20 or 21. 

“It’ll be fineee……. You just need to read these notes and answer from them if Mr.Kim calls.”

“But sir………..”

“No buts. I’ll see you later”, kid even winked as he left.

He sat down in the chair that had just been vacated and picked up the notebook that he assumed had the notes and the first thing he sees is a post-it with a phone number and ‘text me' written in comic sans.

Phone number #78 from this office alone. In.The.Past.Week. Yes, he kept tabs. He loves a good ego boost thank you very much.

Ya know what Jeongukk wasn’t getting paid at all. He didn’t have to put up with this shit. He didn’t even want this stupid job. He grabbed the phone on the table and dialed the big man’s number and waited until he picked up.

“What have you to inform me?”, the voice on the other end sounded annoyed and okay did the dude step right out of a Shakespeare production or something? Well it was a possibility. He did work for gods.

Jeongguk didn’t reply. Instead he just held the phone really close to his mouth and breathed down it like he was doing asmr or a really disturbing porn video. Or maybe just a regular old creepy psychopath trying to scare young girls into running away to Ohio with him and changing their name to ‘Leviosa not Leviosaar’. Well that was weird.

The 24 year old smirked as his boss cut the call. He discreetly left the room and worked (read:hid out) in the break room until his shift was over.

Next time he stepped into the building Mr. CEO had fired his irresponsible secretary and put him on the ‘politely say sorry before punching in the face list’. And banned him from ever setting foot in the building ever again.

Oo baby revenge sure was sweet.


Don't break the fourth wall in the first chapter challenge : failed

Don't curse in the first chapter challenge: also failed

Keep count of the number of times the fourth wall breaks. Its for science 🤓

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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