Chapter 19

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Afterwards we made our way back to the hotel, Dean had Moxlee cuddled up in his arms and his hand on the small of my back.

I got in the shower while Dean was happily playing with Moxlee. I got changed into a pair of jogging shorts and a black tshirt. I left my long hair down since i couldn't be arsed to do anything with it.

"wow" Dean said as i joined him

" what?"

"you look amazing" he said walking over to me and kissing my lips. I blushed when he said this

"do you want to go and get some food before we head to RAW?" he asked

"YEAH!" Moxlee screamed

"i guess that's a yes?"

"sure" i said

"where do you want to go?"

"i don't mind, as long as they do food that Moxlee eats she's a fussy girl"

"Hey Mox where do you want to eat?" Dean asked her

"McDonalds" she screamed

I swear if that kid keeps wanting McDonald's she will turn into a happy meal.

After eating McDonald's, we headed to the arena once again Dean had Moxlee in his arms but I could tell as soon as we walked into the arena that Dean was somewhere else.

We went into Deans locker room where I set Moxlee up on the floor playing with her toys "you can watch the show from here or whatever you feel like watching" Dean said pacing around. He clearly isn't himself


"Uh.. What?" He said

"Are you ok?"

"What.. Yeah"

"Dean?" I walked over to him and placed my hands on his hips

"Now what's the problem?"

"Nothing I'm fine" he said kissing my lips

I was watching the show when Ajs music hit, Dean was already in the ring I didn't want to watch but my eyes could take of the screen. AJ skipped down to the ring microphone in hand "well, well, well cutie" she said

"Look whose back" Dean said

"Back to stay" she said then dropped the microphone and jumped on him and started kissing him. I felt sick to my stomach, I knew it was just for the show but I just didn't like it.

After the segment the door opened and Dean walked in he didn't say anything just went straight to the bathroom and took a shower, I sighed and continued playing with Moxlee.

It was about 10 minutes later when Dean walked out all scrubbed up in a pair of jeans and a black t shirt "that's better" he said throwing his towel on the couch, he then came and sat next to me "sorry baby I wanted to get that skanks stench off me, the only thing that I want on me is you" he said holding my chin and kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss then pulled away as I remembered Moxlee

I giggled as I got Moxlee's stuff together "let's get outta here" he said helping me up

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