Early Mornings ; Chapter One

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Our day starts just like how any other normal day would. Both mine and Zadie's phone alarms go off at the same set time. I find it almost comical how we both grunt and moan at the exact same time in agitation. Normally we both ignore it and try to continue to sleep, only to be woken up again barely five minutes later by the second annoying set alarm. The first one to get up out of bed is always Zadie. If Z isn't the first one to stand up that either means she's on her period, possibly hungover, or she genuinely feels sick. Or that I'm on tour...that reason hurts the most.

Today she hopped out of bed and creeped around my side. I don't know whether she was planning on scaring me or whatever, but the phone rang before she could do anything.  I'm pretty sure I heard a disappointed sigh. As soon as the phone rang I sat up in bed pretending that I've just woken up, I do that sometimes so Z doesn't have to worry about my insane sleeping patterns. It's always when I've just came back from tour that I suffer really horribly with jet lag. My body cannot seem to handle the changes to the different time zones.

After getting up out of bed I give Z a quick peck on her soft cheek. She always pushes me and my affections away, telling me that 'my breath stinks' or whatever. Sometimes I kiss her again just to purely annoy her, but she likes it secretly, she loves the playfulness. Apparently the caller this morning was her boss saying she needs to get to the studio before a certain time or whatever, we keep our work lives away from our personal lives. It's helped our relationship strengthen strangely enough.

After that I go to the loo and do my business. I don't do anything else in the bathroom until after I've eaten my basic breakfast of toast and squash. After breakfast I then brush my teeth, take a quick shower, shave, maybe slap on some aftershave and then spray some deodorant. I don't fuss over my appearance or anything. My fans tell me that I must do something to get 'good skin' but they've never seen me when the cameras are off. I can be a right state when I have days off. After changing into my dark clean clothes, I linger about in the bedroom to help zip up Z's dainty dresses.

However, today is different unlike other days. Bastille has  just finished a pretty heavy major tour, so we're all taking a well deserved break. I could go to the studio, but...there's literally nothing to do. Everyone who works either at or for our label has enough songs to bring out until 2020. I know if I go to the studio today me and Mark Crew will only end up messing about with the keyboard or making new sounds for Bastille's future albums.

So instead of going anywhere I just stay put inside of our new house. The three bedroom house isn't not too far from my old house share with my mates, so we're still in Peckham. I guess I could text my old group chat with them and see if anyone is free today? It's either that or I could try and get some sleep...which sounds pretty torturous.

"See you later" Zadie says with a light smile in her voice. I adore how happy she always seems. Of course I nod my head and smile back, I can't help it and I know I probably look like a right old weirdo...but she really does make me happy. "What time?" I only want to know so I can book us a table at a restaurant, it feels like forever since we've had any kind of date night. Of course Z hops along on tours, but I never really saw her. She always stays in the tour bus, I don't think she likes touring and exploring other cultures that much. I know she has little patience with museums, architecture, so I don't blame her not really wanting to get involved.

For a moment Zadie looks little taken back that I asked her that question, but she smiles again. "It depends on what my boss says..." her voice trails off as I can tell something is up with her. She normally looks me in the eye, there's that and there's she always seems confident. At the moment she doesn't do neither of those things. But I don't question it. Instead I give her a quick hug as she then collects her car keys out of the small dish besides the door.

"Rough time then?" I annoyingly ask folding my arms tightly while she quickly slides into her white shirt sleeved blazer. At the bottom and ends of the blazer it has slight ruffles, it looks both formal and informal, either way it's pretty trendy and stylish. "Uhm..." her voice trails off as she looks at her slim silver wristwatch. "Eight?" There's no such thing as 9 to 5 in London, much to Dolly Parton's dismay. I nod my head, "great. I'll see you then." In a rush Z quickly kisses me before sliding away from me and out of the front door where I wave her off as she leaves the drive way.

Fuck gender roles.

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