Attacking Ente Isla

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  In the great sea of Ignora, lay five islands in the shape of a cross that form the great country of Ente Isla. A land rumored to be protected by the gods... But off the coast of said land lay five more islands in the shape of a diamond, this was Capi Isle. Land protected by the dragons of the east.  The two lands have been rivals for quite some time now due to the wrong which was done onto the crowned princess by Satan Jacob, the ruler of demons. And this is where our story begins...


~Jenny's POV~

I sat with my generals and brother as we planned the attack on the Devil's castle. We have helped the human rebels from the church of Ente Isla who sought to overthrow Satan. It was the hero and champion of the humans who took down three out of four generals but I gave said hero weapons. But currently, we were sailing for the central island... 

"We should take the goat path in the west and send a small group into the castle with the Hero Emilia", suggested my brother Benito. "And then we can take out the remaining battalion while the battle wages inside."

"Yes, and what of our dearest sister?", I inquired.

"Princess Christy will sneak into the territory posing as a beggar", said Masuriel, my right-hand man.

"Have Azriel accompany her! I cannot afford to lose another family member."

"Yes, Milady."

"What of you sister?", asked Benito.

" I shall lead the interior attack. Satan will pay for his crimes and I will be there to witness it with my own eyes", I sneered. "Benito, as our most powerful mage and swordsman, I am appointing you as leader of the outer attack."

"I won't fail you, my dear sister."

~Time skip to the fight brought to you by Armin in a jellyfish dress~

~Benito's POV~
I assisted Albert and Esmerelda with Alciel. I shot him with beams of magic, but it only irked him more.

"Damn it... You retched humans!", Alciel shouted before being turned to stone by Esmerelda's magic.

He fell a great feat before regaining his ability to move.

"How dare you!?", he cried.

I wonder how my sisters Jenny and Christy are fairing in this fight.

~Jenny's POV~

I stood beside my sister as we were faced with the king.  He then retaliated against the intrusion by lunging towards me before Emilia blocked him with her sword. He looked at me with a slight smirk.

"You helped them overthrow me? Humans!? All because I refused to marry you?", he sneered.

I blushed at his words.

"I helped my friends! And your refusal implied that I was as special as a concubine!", I shouted.

"You broke my sister's heart and offended her honor, you vile demon!", sneered Christy as she hugged me close.

He scoffed.

"Emilia! I want his horn for my mantle!", I shouted to her, not caring if Satan heard.

 "Yes, Princess Jenny", Emilia bowed.

As he lunged again, my brother came running in and shielded us.

"Sisters, the gate! Let us leave for it will close soon", Benito said as he was ushering us out of the castle.

"No! I'm going after him, Satan Jacob will pay for his crimes!", I shouted, running for the magical gate.

"Jen!", shouted Christy as she ran after me.

"Jen, Chris!", hollered Benito as he followed suit.

I jumped into the air and was sucked into the gate along with my siblings. It was not our first time using this gate so we were able to utilize our experience by lulling ourselves to sleep for the duration of the travel.

~Time skip to them landing in Japan brought to you by Sebastian meeting Sadao and Ashiya~

We awoke in an alleyway, still in our royal garb. 


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(A/N: what they're wearing. nice huh?)

"Brother, what world did we land in?", Christy asked all doe-eyed.

"I do not know, Christy", Benito answered.

"But the gate wouldn't send us here unless our enemy was here, so the two of you need to fit in and I shall do the same. Understood?", I asked.

"Yes Ma'am!", they saluted.

We walked out of the alley to explore our new terrain.


Hey guys! this was the prologue of the rewrite, I hope you enjoyed it more than the original cringe bucket I wrote. That one was a total brain-dump and I didn't really know what I was doing so I made this. I'm sorry if you loved the old OCs but they had to go since they seemed like mary sues to me. til next time.

JadeStoneFrost out! (/*-*)/

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