Chapter I: The Devil Arrives in Sasazuka

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~ Jenny's POV~

As we walked into the light, I noticed that my dress was a bit longer than I remembered. This caused me to lift the front to above my ankle as to not trip on the hem. That's quite odd, it wasn't always that long...

"Jen! Your ears!", Christy pointed out.

I touched my ears only to feel that they were rounded on the top rather than pointed. I looked at my hands to see that my manicured claw-like nails were short and rounded like human fingernails!  I looked into the nearest window only to see that my skin was void of my markings, my small horns were no longer on my head nor did I have my glorious wings.

"My ears and markings! My intricately manicured nails! My horns and even my wings! They're gone", I gasped.

"We're human in this world?", Christy asked.

"Afraid so", Benito replied. " If I remember Father's teachings, then we must have landed in a realm known as 'Earth'."

"I thought Earth was only real in stories."

"It's very real, Sister and we're in it", I replied before turning to my brother. "Any specifics, Brother?"

"Hmm... We find ourselves in one of Earth's nations, an archipelago which they call 'Japan'. Our exact surroundings would be its capital of Tokyo", Benito noted.

"I see... and I assume that in this world our existence is only folklore."

"That is correct. The humans here don't regard demons, elves or even the devil to be authentic. Nor do they believe that magic legitimately exists."

"They do not believe in magic? How can these humans even survive!?", Christy gasped.

"Calm yourself little sister", I ordered."Remember, we are to blend in."

"Yes Sister", Benito and Christy replied.

~Time skip to the apartment bcoz the whole registration montage was too much~

  We sat in our new apartment, if you can call a single room that, setting up the last futon (the floor bed kind). 

"Done", Christy sighed as she threw herself on the futon. 

"Well we have no more money, I had to pawn my crown to have enough money to rent the apartment, get the futons and a few containers of something called 'instant noodle'", I said as I sat on my futon.

"Looks like we'll have to look for employment", Benito yawned.


We all sat on the floor with resumes and pens, filling out said forms.

"Alright, my new name's 'Hiyori Harada'", I announced as I wrote it on the form.

"I'll go by 'Kura Yamagata'", Kura replied.

"Then mine's 'Hiro Nosuke'", Hiro interjected. " I'll be applying for Pick's Sporting Goods... What are you two applying for?"

"Maid cafe by the cosplay district."

"MgRonald's for me", I said nonchalantly. 

~A week later~

I sat on a bean bag chair reading a manga while Yamagata slept.

"Sister", Nosuke called.

"Yeah?", I asked without looking away from the manga.

"What do you think our enemy's doing now?"

"Don't know and honestly I don't care."

~Meanwhile,  in the room upstairs from the trio~

~Back to our scheduled program~

"Probably nothing", Nosuke said as he answered his own question. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?"

"Who are you? Mom?", I joked. 

I sighed and got up before grabbing my rollerblades and skating to work.

~Time skip to MgRonald's brought to you by Rin Okumura joining the Scouts~

I was on fries when I noticed Chiho talking to Sadao. Dang Sadao's a great employee! Getting a raise and stuff, I wish I was that hard working.  Come to think of it, he reminds me of someone back in Ente Isla or Capi Isle...  I shrugged off the thought and went on my break. I sat with Chiho and opened my bento. Today's lunch was katsudon and rice balls.

"You did good today Ms. Harada!", Chiho beamed. "I've never seen anyone serve that much fries in half an hour."

"I'm just doing my job, Chi", I blushed as her kind words. " have to do my part in paying rent at home though, my siblings are  counting on me."

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Just an older brother and a sister around your age. Sadao and I are neighbors so I see him often too."

I ate as she looked at me shocked.

"Wha?", I asked with my mouth full.

"I didn't know that", she almost shouted.

"Well, you never asked me... and trust me it's nothing romantic! I swear, so don't get any ideas, Chi."

"Whatever you say, Ms. Harada."

~Time skip to after the fryer broke brought to you by Yuri meeting Armin and Sadao~

I changed out of my uniform and walked over to the exit to see Sadao.

"Ready to go, Neighbor?", He joked.

"Yeah, let me lace up my rollerblades and we can head home", I smiled as I did so.

We left work, on our modes of transportation. I skated beside him in silence.

"Hey, what did Miss Kisuki want to talk to you about?", I asked.

"I got a promotion", he boasted.


We stopped at a curb and waited to cross the street but we were met with a familiar face.

(A/N: imagine Harada in this)

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