Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"News brought forth today tells the whole of Japan, that the highly esteemed Uwabami family or at least a small portion of them are coming back from America, to their birth country Japan in the following weeks! The Uwabami family is one of if not, the largest family containing heroes of all kinds of calibers. The Uwabami family are the owners of the highly liked, and well-appreciated Hero Support company that goes by the name Caped Cobra. With a net worth of well over 100 billion yen. We of Japan, can't wait to greet them with wide-open arms once again. Now, back to the daily news where a vil-" the sound of the TV was muted by a woman with ash blonde hair that reached her waist. Her silted eye's where the color of blood.

"So, it seems that your arrival isn't going to go unnoticed as we all had hoped for, my dear daughter."

There were collective hums and murmurs of agreement that mumbled in the large white room.

A small sigh split through the murmurs bringing every sound to a halting stop. A pail small hand reached over the reflective white tabletop and grabbed a clear wine glass that was half full of a drink. A similar but slightly darker pair of ruby red eyes opened as they took a small sip of the drink. Some of the people at the table where apparently much younger than the girl. They were shooting jealous looks at her.

"Stop looking at me like that. Your training starts when I take you guys back to Japan with me. I've got our mother's approval; I just need to get Grandmother's approval next. We normally would have taken you guys to the temple there in Japan but with the reconstruction done on our resident home there, we can do the training in the house now. I guess I can still take you guys to the temple for at least the duration of time it's going to take me to get ready for high school. That is if you want to go to the temple. Our cousins would be there training their quirks at the temple as well."

"Will, will I be going as well, even though I don't have my quirk yet?" a small dark blond boy asked.

"Of course, you'll come with us. Your fourth birthday is going to be before my time for high school starts. And mother and father would love to be there, but they've been talking about having another clutch, so you won't be the youngest by maybe the end of summer?" she shot a questioning look to her mother. The small smile and nod were all she needed to know.

"Yes my little Kiba, you'll be going to Japan with your sister and other older siblings beside those who already have their own or are starting their own clutch," their mother said while her gaze drifted over a young man who looked just like her and two younger women one of them being heavily pregnant. A small blush covered her face as she rubbed her swollen stomach.

A heavy blush covered the child's face as she coughed awkwardly into her drink.

Their mother chuckled at her daughter's red face. "Remember we still have the brumation training we need to finish Chi."

Then with that mention, practically everyone's faces besides Chi's younger siblings and the other adults that were present exploded in deep red blushes.

"Ah, I was kind of hoping you'd have forgotten that part of my training" Chi whispered into her drink. The pointed look that her mother shot her told her that her attempt to squeeze her way out was null and void.

"You can meet me at your room an hour after this meeting Chi." came her mother's dull response.

Chi and her three older siblings winced in unison at the prospect of the brumation training.

Slumping forward and grumbling Chi downed the rest of her drink which lightly burned her throat.

Sighing Chi's eldest brother leaned over poured more of the drink into her glass. "Chi just because we get power-ups from alcohol doesn't mean you should be drinking it so carelessly."

the First Step into the Light (BNHA fan-fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن