An Emotional Belch

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I woke up crying, frightened by a dream I had, feeling sad.

Rejected.  Dejected.

"Go away!" they said. "No one wants you here."

How silly it is to feel like this because of people formed in a dream's hazy mist. But as the tears flowed, I realized that I had

An Emotional Belch.

I sat behind the wheel of my little car, happy, content, at peace with one and all. Until some idiot dispbeys vehicular law and is crude and lewd and... My heart's racing. My hands are shaking. And the words that I vomit are vile and foul things.

When the demons have passed, I realized that I had

An Emotional Belch.

"Oh excuse me! Did that just erupt from the deepest pit of my soul?"

That Emotional Belch. That strange concotion of things I can't express in the starch-stiff crispiness of civilized hypocracy?

"Oh please, oh please, you must forgive me. "

There's a lot down there. Compressed into tiny ulcitic balls that just pop out when...oops!

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