The birth of the older sister

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  It was a nice sunny day in equestia.

The birds were singing

Flowers are blooming

And this was a special day for queen elystia at long last her daughter was gonna be born soon. Queen elystia: Finally your gonna come sweetie. I shall call you Princess celestia but for now. 

*After 2 hours*.

Queen elystia: SOLARIS! 

Solaris *Bursts into the room*. Yes my love? Oh!

Queen elystia *Her otherside is bleeding*. S-She's coming!

Solaris:*Rushes to his queen side*. It's ok! Just breath and stay calm.

Queen elystia: *Is in tears*. I-It hurts.

Solaris: I know but it will be other. Now push!

Queen elystia *Pushes*.

*4 hours later*.

Queen elystia *Is now holding a white filly with a pink mane and tail with a small pair of wings and a little horn in her hoofs*. Oh...My.

Solaris She's perfect. What shall we named her.

Queen elystia How about Princess celestia. 

Solaris Princess celestia. I like it.

Baby celestia *Opens her eyes with a small yawn and see's her mom and dad for the first time*. 

Solaris and queen elystia Aren't you just a bundle of joy.

Baby celestia *Giggles*.

The untold story of the 2 sisters. AKA: The backstory of nightmare moonWhere stories live. Discover now