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     Percy nearly fell out of bed when the owl screeched outside his flat's window.  He hastily pulled open the window shivering at the chill.  The owl swooped in with an impatient hoot and dropped the letter leaving just as suddenly as it had arrived.  He was used to that of course, ministry owls were a busy lot and never stuck around long.  Percy popped off the thick red ministry seal and quickly scanned the paper. 

    His blood froze as he read it.  He had read-of course-about the band of American wizarding theives that had gained some infamy in The Daily Prophet.  The Four Horsemen-as they called themselves liked to announce which bank they'd rob three days before they robbed it.  And watch as the local authorities tried to secure the location but somehow someway the Horsemen always got around the extra security with ease.  Though Percy couldn't stand rule breakers he had to admit he was impressed with The Horsemen.  They would steal only from the richest and most corrupt wizard families then give to families who struggled to get by.  If Percy had been any one else he would have applauded the Robin Hood tendencies, however he was who he was and therefore frowned upon the practice. 

    The letter called all available ministry employees to the ministry to help try and bust the Horsemen once and for all.  He quickly changed into more appropriate clothes he grabbed a handful of shimmering green ash and threw it in his fireplace.  "The Ministry of Magic!" he yelled clearly stepping into the emerald flames. 

     The ministry was abuzz as Rufus Scrimgeor looked down on the all from a bridge on the second level.  "My fellow ministry workers," he started maintaining an image of control that Cornelius Fudge could never quite manage.  "As you may have heard the vigilante group known as The Four Horsemen have announced their intention to rob Gringotts.  We're going to make sure that never happens.  Along with the entirety of the ministry following the case I have brought in an auror from America who has been tracking The Horsemen as well as a reporter who has had luck debunking wannabe vigilantes in the past." he introduced an older man named, Thaddeus Bradley, and the auror, auror, Dylan Rhodes.  Personally to Percy Thaddeus seemed more likely to be of any use but since the auror was brought in by the minister himself he had no option but to respect the man.  Especially now since Percy had been assigned to be Dylan Rhode's temporary assistant.

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