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Yoongi stared at the bright, illuminating screen of his laptop, stuck on the same blog he had been looking at for the past couple of days. He didn't know why he kept coming back.

This whole... little space thing... it was weird. He didn't like it.

Or so he thought.

The thought of a grown person acting as a child for attention disgusted him, but... he couldn't help but feel attracted to the entire lifestyle. It sounded enjoyable... he could understand it. To feel relaxed and at ease, with not much to worry about other than when your next snack is coming.

Yoongi was just so confused about it. Any time his mind was fuzzy, or he felt stressed about his music, he found himself going back on Tumblr and looking at this blog.


The blog was pink, and the lettering was even a deeper shade of the color.

The whole theme was adorable aesthetics, cute quotes, poems, but most importantly, pictures of the blogger in little space.

It ranged from pacifiers, baby bottles, coloring books, and adorably vibrant outfits that Yoongi could only describe as winsome, to collars, handcuffs, shackles, and marks all over the blogger's body. It definitely pulled a string in Yoongi's frame.

Yoongi had gotten so caught up in the blog that he hadn't noticed his door slowly open, and a head of pastel pink hair peek it's head into the room. "Baby?"

Yoongi looked up, closing the laptop as he smiled at his boyfriend. "Hi, sweets. Is Hobi home yet?"

Hoseok worked late sometimes at the studio, and those are times when he was usually at the point of a breakthrough and close to releasing an album. Yoongi and Jimin were artists too, and Hoseok was their producer. It was a pretty good setup. When Hoseok worked late, he usually came home with presents for the two waiting at home.

Jimin smiled and nodded as he stepped into the room, shutting the door. "Yep. He just texted the group chat saying he was coming home soon though. What are you up to?" He asked, laying on the bed on his tummy.

Yoongi smiled and pushed the laptop to the side and laid down next to Jimin, propping himself up on his elbows. "Mm, good. I've been feeling needier than usual," he said, leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Yeah? Why's that?" Jimin asked, nuzzling him and pressing his lips to Yoongi's forehead, giving him small and sweet kisses.

"Dunno. I'm just in a weird mood," Yoongi said, shrugging lightly. He loved when Jimin was all cute and cuddly with him. It reminded him of how it used to be, when Yoongi refused to be touched without permission.

Yoongi had always been a tough nut to crack, and it didn't get better any time soon. Even with Jimin, even when they were in the couple phase, he was cautious, and kept himself at a comfortable distance from everyone who crossed his path. He had been a bit of a troublemaker in high school, and his home life was to blame.

His parents had a lot to do with the way Yoongi saw things. Not to mention the way he acted. Broken glass, broken bottles, and broken bones taught Yoongi that no one will love you for free.

Yoongi had that mindset for years. In a way, he still sort of does, but Hoseok had broken him. He was now a lot more affectionate, and was more open about his feelings and emotions. He was a lot softer, and kinder than he was two years ago.

However, he was unsure of bringing up this new thing that he had discovered. Now that he thought about it, Jimin seemed like someone who would be considered a "little." He was cute, bubbly, adorable, and very childish. It kind of fit.

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